Unedited Union Attack Video

Steven Crowder answers the question of pretext to the union violence in Michigan with this unedited video and asks, why are their no union protesters video taping the goings-on while the Right to Work folks have multipe cameras recording activists on both sides. Maybe this is why?   Hot Air

Well what do you know, there may be hope yet?

by Skip

Seen over at The Corner:

So the question is, can you have a liberal, progressive America without unions? History says no. For 200 years the existence of the union movement has been wedded to the rise of democracy, to the rise of liberalism. We saw this here, in South Korea, in Spain, in Africa. But now America is moving toward an experiment with whether it can have liberalism without unions. I think the answer is no. But we’ll see.

Interesting thought.  Certainly we have seen, more and more, the major unions (especially the SEIU) forming alliances with Progressive / Socialist organization that are certainly in step with Obama’s “fundamentally transforming” the United States.  Their stated goal is to move away from the democratic Republic of the Founders and to that Progressive version of ruler-ship first begun by Von Bismarck as he rolled up the Germanic city-states into a unified Germany (and in the process, creating the foundations of the trappings of the modern welfare state to “sidestep” the real Socialists).  The unions, once focused on improving unsafe working conditions, have gone well beyond that to the acquisition of power and the enrichment of a few relative to the many.

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When Life Gives You Unions…You Make Unionade!

Unionade - the mixture of current events and circumstance
Hurry up and drink, the ice cubes are coming up on a break

Every time I buy a new vehicle–my newest one is eight years old, its driveway companion is twelve so this does not happen often–I suddenly find myself noticing how many other people drive the same car (Truck, Van, or SUV.)  It probably works the same way with sweaters or Democrats who cheat one their wives…

So given recent events in Michigan I am not surprised to find myself “finding” more stories with a labor union theme.

Once upon a time there was a violent pipe-fitter named Vinnie who blamed his abuse of counter-protesters on his wife Collette for not being there for him to beat on instead…(/where is he going with this?)

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Witness To Union Thuggery

Breitbart is posting a series of statements by people who observed or were objects of Union thuggery in Michigan.   I’ve posted one here on the front and several more on the jump.   They are each relatively short so take a few moments to watch them.  It is important to understand that this was not just a bunch of toughs flexing, people who followed the law were denied the right to peaceably assemble for no other reason than that they had an opinion different from that of the union protesters.

Oh, and then there’s the profanity, spitting, threats, and physical abuse.  And make sure you watch the last video with Tim Bos.  He’ll tell you about the Lansing Union cops who watched the whole thing unfold…and did nothing.

Stu Sandler

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Update AFP -Michigan

Right to Work Coming Soon to Michigan
Right to Work Coming Soon… to Michigan!

Right to work Bills have passed both Houses of the Michigan State Legislature and the governor has already said he’d sign them into law.

Earlier today Tim Condon updated us with the video of union protesters knocking down the Americans for Prosperity tent in Lansing, trapping some activists under it.  It’s sad but none of us were surprised by this. Nor are we surprised by this from a recent email blast by Tim Phillips, President of Americans For Prosperity

Right now, the Left—union bosses, special interest groups, and even President Obama himself—is ramping up pressure for him to not sign these necessary workers’ rights reforms.

Tim Phillips continues…

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No Bullies, Like Union Bullies

Below is text taken from N.H. House Speaker William O’Brien’s Facebook page:

Here’s what union-controlled government has become in New Hampshire:

Union operatives are pulling my yard signs from public areas and replacing some of them with union signs. Union thugs have twice gone into a general store in my town and threatened the woman who owns it with a boycott if she doesn’t take down a yard sign supporting me.

Unions also have promised to put $50,000 into my district, which has about 8,000 people, to defeat me. My opponents’ efforts are beginning to show that kind of spending.

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A Silber In The Minds Eye

So in the face of this economic catastrophe, which the democrats happily sold as a disaster not unlike a Biblical plague, what did NH Democrats do? They decided that despite that we were going to take in 23% more revenue than we did when times were “good” and went on a grow government spending spree. You could call that a revenue problem, but I think it is really more of a democrats are selfish, ideological, tax and spend A-holes problem.

2012 Can’t Come Fast Enough

The Sunday Union Leader had a letter to the editor titled "2012 can’t come fast enough."  It suggests that New Hampshire did not vote for a majority and leadership intent on stripping collective bargaining agreements from 70,000 New Hampshire workers…" which is a number I would contest given this data.  (Where we may be hiding 70,000 public sector union workers is a question worth exploring, but not right now.)

The author is Kevin Foley.  Kevin is a great guy.   We worked together at UPS for a number of years, he was a driver, and I was a package car loader–including his.  But Kevin has been a well paid union organizer with the Teamsters for years, as an IBT Business agent, and earns more than double the national average in income and compensation for the privilege. Kudos to Kevin for the sweet gig.  I bet he works hard for it.

Kevin has donated hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars to democrats and the local Teamster PAC–(Granite State Teamsters DRIVE) which supports the national union and democrat candidates in the state (one local example from NH S.o.S.); the same ones who grew state government, added public union employees, some of whose dues pay Kevin’s salary, and the same democrats who left us with a nearly one billion dollar budget deficit as a result.

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