“Oh I feel so delightfully white trash. Mommy, I want a mullet.” ~Stewie, on “The Family Guy”


White Trash
n. Offensive Slang
      1. Used as a disparaging term for a poor white person or poor white people.
      2. Used as a disparaging term for a white person or white people perceived as being lazy and ignorant.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009.

 White Trash
n. (Sociology) Disparaging
      a.  poor White people living in the US, esp the South
      b.  (as modifier) white-trash culture
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

 The Wikipedia definition of White Trash is “an American English pejorative term referring to economically or culturally disadvantaged Caucasians. It may also be used self-referentially by white north Americans with higher socio-economic status to jokingly describe limitations they sense in their culture…”

 White Trash
n. singular (but plural in construction):
   a member of an inferior or underprivileged white social group
Merriam Webster On-Line


White Trash   
“Poor people that do not attempt to hide their lack of money. They live in filth (e.g. rusting cars and old kitchen appliances fill the front yard,) they are poorly educated, they don’t care about their appearance (e.g. they are poorly groomed and overweight, wear dirty and tattered clothes,) etc. Though “white trash” can live anywhere, they are indigenous to the Midwestern and southern United States.”
On-line Slang dictionary.

 So, to the esteemed School Committee member I would ask, “to which definition do you ascribe to in your description of Manchester’s “White Trash”?

 There is nothing more disappointing than liberals like Joe Briggs and their elitist world views. I Thank Joe for moving out of Manchester. His departure from City Hall will bring with it one less joke of a local city hall bureaucratic hack in the mix of the nepotistic, politically incestuous, hack-filled halls of city government. I hope Joe certainly won’t let the door hit him in his big ass on the way out. Give him the key to the city and change all the locks.


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