Support Right-to-Work


To the Editor: 

Most Americans oppose forced unionization.          

Forcing workers to pay tribute to earn a living is slavery, it is immoral and un-American. 

Voluntary unionization makes unions compete, putting workers’ interests first.   

Forced unionization puts worker interests below the interests of union bosses and politicians. 

Are American workers smart enough to negotiate for themselves or choose their negotiators?  Certainly!  But, forced unionization gives union bosses and politicians power that they desire.  Union bosses trade campaign support for pro-union legislation and increased government spending.  This corrupt conspiracy raises living costs for NH citizens. 
American jobs and wealth are moving from states which force unionization to states where workers are free to unionize or not, i.e., Right-to-Work states.   The usual results are stable employment, good wages, and increased worker opportunities.      

One action NH’s Republican led legislature took to help workers and bring jobs to New Hampshire was to pass a Right-to-Work law.  This law puts the interests of workers, employers, taxpayers, and New Hampshire citizens ahead of the interests of union bosses and politicians.            
Governor Lynch vetoed the Right-to-Work law, siding with union bosses and politicians against workers and other NH citizens.        
Tell NH Senators and Representatives to put the interests of New Hampshire workers ahead of politicians and union bosses.  Tell them to make unions compete in benefiting workers, to trust worker judgments, and to free workers from compulsory unionization.    

Tell NH Senators and Representatives to over-ride Governor Lynch’s veto of the Right-to-Work law! 

Don Ewing
Meredith, NH


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