According to Human Events late last night the Democrat majority Congress attached a document which ‘Deemed as passed’ a 1.12 trillion dollar budget. The document was attached to the War supplemental bill and approved on partisan lines (despite bi-partisan objection) 215-210.
It will come as no surprise to New Hampshire residents that Both Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter voted to approve HR1500 and the 1.12 trillion dollar slush fund with which they apparently intend to continue the operation of the federal government.
This will allow appropriators to continue spending. According to Rep Paul Ryan," with no priorities and no restraints the spending, taxing and borrowing will continue unchecked for the coming year."
The arrogance of this lot continues to exceed itself at every opportunity. And it is quite clear that even if they lose the majority this Novemebr that they will ram through every part of their destructive agenda they can manage without any consideration for process or accountability.
So 215 House legislators appear to have given themselves a 1.12 trillion dollar earmark to appropriate as they see fit. Somehow I don’t think that is going to sit too well. I also happen to think that thit is exactly the point.