To Rockingham County’s Republican Town Committee Chairs, 

by The Editors

With just two days until our Republican Primary, there’s much to be optimistic and excited about. That said, I’m writing to you now to implore you to ensure, that in the these waning primary days, that you and your committees abide by the hard rule that we are NEUTRAL through the primary. Completely neutral. This is a requirement of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee and Rockingham County Republican Committee. Neutrality has been an issue in some corners.

Received today is another complaint surrounding the leadership of a Rockingham County town committee. The latest complaint concerns this committee using its Constant Contact email list to advertise a campaign fund-raiser for a member of its leadership, who is running for office, and another candidate this leader is running in tandem with.

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The primary race in question has four Republicans running for two seats. The advertisement sent from the committee encourages recipients to “learn about your local candidates and discuss important topics that you are concerned with”. But two of the four candidates running in the primary were not invited, named or also pictured on the email blast. Some recipients believed this fund-raiser replaced the regular town committee meeting, whether it did or not.

This is wrong. Committees must remain neutral. A committee’s Constant Contact list should not be used by or for its leadership to advertise and benefit its own in a contested race.

I send this to remind all town chairs about the neutrality requirement, as today’s complaint comes just weeks after I spoke with the chair of this same town committee for hosting a Facebook page which promoted the same candidates in a primary while blocking, and/or not providing equal access to, the other primary candidates.

Complaints about non-neutrality have been louder and more frequent this year than any of the last several years. Other Rockingham County committees have leaders who are in contested primaries and/or working for statewide office candidates. 

The leadership of our committees must be neutral. Leaders must abide by their bylaws, and the neutrality required by RCRC and NHGOP. This is for the good of your town committee, and in fairness to all candidates and the electorate. Town committee e-boards and members must ensure its leaders abide by the rules. This writing is addressed to our town committee chairs. Chairs, I ask that you forward this email to you e-board members.

The primary is this Tuesday. May we fairly put forward our best candidates to the general election, where we can put our focus where it needs to be: electing Republicans and winning seats over Democrats. 

Thank you for your time, attention, and understanding. 

My best,
Jason B. Grosky
Rockingham County Republican Committee


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