Seabrook Station, no thanks to Jeanne… Offshore drilling? No way!
I’ll git you my little pretties… hehehe!
Refineries? Nope! Assault on Seabrook. May 1, 1977
Back in the 80’s,
former NH House Speaker Marshall Cobleigh spent many a Sunday morning debating future Governor Jeanne Shaheen on a number of issues. At the time, the battle over the Seabrook Station nuclear power raged on, with the sides plainly split along partisan lines. Republicans favored the facility and Democrats opposed it. As reported in
this post earlier this week, The
NHGOP has released several
YouTube videos showing Shaheen and Cobleigh going at it over the issue. At the time of the original airing, according to GOP state party chair Fergus Cullen,
she was organizing the radical anti-nuclear community in support of former Portsmouth Mayor Paul McEachern’s 1988 gubernatorial campaign. Shaheen served as the campaign manager and senior advisor to Paul McEachern, an extreme nuclear opponent, in both his 1986 and 1988 bids for the corner office.
[Mr. Cobleigh appeared on our radio program this past Saturday. Click here to download the podcast.]
Today he held a press conference to discuss the matter in response to what the Shaheen camp has had to say about the 1987 video:
I called this press conference because I was appalled at my long-time television adversary Jeanne Shaheen’s blatent attempt to rewrite and completely distort her record regarding the use of nuclear power and to point out Shaheen’s factual record as a long-time opponent of nuclear power, as well as her failed record as a big-taxing, big-spending governor who left office with a huge budget deficit of $300 million. Just exactly the type of person we don’t need representing NH in the US Senate.
First of all, I want to address her campaign’s claim that the tapes now on U-tube that I lent to the Republican party “were taken out of context, and these clips are over 20 years old.”
The facts are that the tapes are from 1987 …. 21 years ago.
That’s the point. Jeanne Shaheen has been a consistent opponent of nuclear power and oil drilling, where there is oil, for 25 years before her latest poll led to her switch of positions.
It is also a fact that nothing is taken out of context. That is exactly what she said on the show and exactly what I said. I challenge Jeanne Shaheen to demonstrate clearly what she claims is taken out of context. We were on the weekly show for about 10 years. The facts are that Jeanne Shaheen constantly harped about her distaste for nuclear power. I know it. And she knows it.
I just don’t have the rest of the tapes to prove it.
I also challenge Jeanne Shaheen to put up or shut up. I am willing to let any member of the press examine these tapes and verify that nothing is taken out of context.
The Shaheen spokesman also claims “what Jeanne Shaheen has CONSISTENTLY SAID …. that nuclear power is a part of our energy mix…. but we should not subsidize it, and WE SHOULD NOT EXPAND IT until we have a safe way to deal with the waste.”
That is typical Jeanne Shaheen, trying to have it both ways. She gives the appearance of changing her life-long position and at the same time appeasing her clamshall friends with the qualifier
about nuclear waste.
I also challenge Jeanne Shaheen to provide to the press any documentation showing that she has “CONSISTENTLY SAID over the years that nuclear power should be a part of our energy mix.”
Most of you know that in the past 3 or 4 months Jeanne Shaheen has outlined a 6-point energy plan and 3 NH op-ed pieces THAT DO NOT MENTION her sudden feigned support for nuclear power.
The Shaheens are famous for political dirty tricks. You will remember that Jeanne Shaheen’s husband Bill Shaheen was fired from Hillary Clinton’s campaign for his anything-goes campaign dirty tricks of raising the issue of Barack Obama’s drug use.
The facts are that Secretary of Energy James Schlessinger told the nation’s Energy Chiefs 20 years ago, “There are at least 20 ways to solve the nuclear waste for 20,000 years but the politicians won’t make the choice of which way to use.” France, which gets 80% of its electricity from nuclear power, chose to recycle and reuse nuclear waste but the Democrat-controlled congress put a ban on that technique just as they also banned off-shore oil drilling beyond the Gulf of Mexico. Today we store nuclear waste at Seabrook Station because the Democrat-controlled congress lacks the courage to choose which of the 20 safe ways to use.
The most astounding statement Jeanne Shaheen made on the few tapes I have, came after I said,
“…. and if we don’t have nuclear power in this country we are going to become more and more vulnerable to the Arabs in the mid east, and that’s why WE ARE IN DANGER OF WAR, because we are not taking care of our energy dependence.”
To which Shaheen responded,
“that argument just doesn’t wash.”
Jeanne Shaheen was dead wrong.
The facts are that my 1987 comments were prescient. We did end up in a mid-east war caused by Jeanne Shaheen, and her fellow NIMBY (not in my back yard) and NOPE (no
t on planet earth) fellow travelers, along with their Democrat allies in congress. To have the unmitigated gall to blame the war entirely on President Bush and try to tie all Republican candidates to President Bush’s unpopularity caused by the war is the height of chutzpah.
I believe that Jeanne Shaheen is making these blatently-false statements to hide from her atrocious record on energy, spending, and taxation.
I enclose a documentation of Jeanne Shaheen’s sorry record on energy, taxes, and spending, which I shall not read so that we have time for any questions from you folks
These attachments [below] of Jeanne Shaheen’s record clearly show that Shaheen shifts positions more often than a windmill in a hurricane:
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