When the dust settles from this election, no matter the outcome, there will be some large, rather unnerving stories that will continue to haunt the day, and perhaps our Nation, for some time to come.
It will be revealed (like it already hasn’t?) that there was massive vote fraud committed in many urban areas of the country– and some not so urban, too. This will include multiple votes cast by single individuals, polling place intimidation (located at union halls; “guarded” by Black Panthers; poll watcher blocking right here in NH, etc.).
The second matter that will come to light will be that of the sources of the mega-millions in online “small donations” used to fuel a near-unstoppable media juggernaut dwarfing that of Senator McCain’s operation. If the one instance of Obama’s illegal immigrant aunt living in subsidized public housing (and no doubt recieving other tax-financed largesse) can make an illegal donation, and the campaign can illegally accept (until caught) it, how many other instances might have happened? Not too long ago, many on the left and their comrades in the mainstream media lamented all the money in politics– when Republicans had more of it. Now, they marvel at the princely sums raised by the Obama cash machine. How much was funded through illegal means… and what is the quid pro quo?
And then, of course, there’s Ayers and the rest that Obama has at one time or another “palled” around with. And the Islamofascists…
I’m off to vote for McCain Palin right now– fairly late, actually– and guess what? (5:45PM) I just got a call from McCain/Palin reminding me that I hadn’t gone and voted yet. I’m impressed! The ground game is in play by the Republicans. Maybe there’s hope…