New TV ad from the McCain campaign on Barack Obama’s dangerous views on our national defense. Let’s not forget, as reported in this post from way back in the early days of the NH Primary(with video), this is the same Barack Obama that views the Iranian problem as “small” compared to the “dire circumstances” of the Cold War…
"Air raiding villages."
That’s his description of what our brave troops are doing in Afghanistan? What, did one of his anti-American terrorist pals slip him some talking points they had stored with their nostalgic momentos of leftover from past "glory" days? You know… his programmers handlers?
[NOTE: If you don’t know what I’m talking about with that last statement, you probably missed last night’s Fox News special hosted by Sean Hannity, "Obama & Friends – A History Of Radicalism" which included discussion about the Democratic Party nominee’s ties to the Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, along with connections to certain Muslims and Saudis of questionable motives, and Dr. Khalid Monsour, a discomforting character, to say the least. You can view the chilling program by watching a series of Youtubes starting with this one.]