Picture of The Day 5-5-11

All Hail King Reggie (RGGI)

…you can make excuses, legislate give backs that will only grow the taxpayer funded bureaucracy to manage them, tie our exit to yet another outside power (like some other state), or just bend over and kiss King Reggies….ring. Yes.  All hail king Reggie.  Long may he tax us without fear of retribution.

Food prices and global …cooling?

Personally I’d rather risk being warm and fed, than cold, broke, and starving.

“Nice head shot Mr. President”


Picture of The Day 5-4-11

Zombie Planter

Elvis, Osama bin Laden, and Jim Morrison Walk Into A Baskin Robbins….

ElvisAs a rule, the lefts interest in photographs of the dead are limited to political hits on opponents, or moody propaganda pieces for the anointed one. (Obama honors war dead–look, see–pictures.)  So can releasing the pictures of an ex-Osama provide some political advantage today? 

I feel comfortable stating right out front that I don’t think they’ll show us any pictures unless Obama looks as if he’ll lose in 2012.   They will make excuses and hem and haw, to intentionally create another conspiracy theory; that Osama is being held on the same sound stage where we faked the moon landing–or…something like that. 

And they will do it because the political distraction of pictures unseen, and a death unconfirmed, dragged out for months or years, has the potential to create a "deather" movement that can be used to distract the American people from a larger problem; high unemployment, rising inflation, and the return of stagflation and the misery index.  At least in theory.  Mr. Obama does need all the misdirection he can get, and any situation that pits his word against that of others, where no hard evidence exists to refute him, fuels the mission statement and puts meat on the bones of the narrative; his detractors are a bunch of wacky racists looking for a reason to smear Dear Leader.

So a photograph, like a birth certificate which exists but that has only been confirmed by reputable sources, is the perfect foil for the legions of cynics who realize that most everything that comes from the mouths of this Executive branch are more like the words of Satan; if not outright lies, they are half truths riddled with omissions, and always with a shelf life.  No "body," hidden pictures…even the most pragmatic person will feel inclined towards doubt.

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Picture of The Day 5-3-11 (New Power Source for US Navy Vessels)

Bin Laden is dead & Liberals Are Being…Hypocrites–Surprise!

Flip flop!They make it easy, and Bin Laden is no different.  Their hypocrisy emanates from them like the stench of stale sweat. So it is impossible to give them any credit because we all know that the only reason Osama’s death was made public late on a Monday night was because someone probably leaked it; this Executive branch does nothing without first plotting out the political ramifications and optimizing the benefits; it’s why it often takes them days to respond to any event.

So Osama is dead.  Go team.  But will we stay the course to get the rest fo them?  Probably not.  So what better time than now to remind ourselves about the hypocrisy; and we look no further than MoveOn.org (H/T to Ace of Spades) and the democrats who ran adds attacking Republicans for politicizing 9/11 and Bin Laden.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ — A new TV ad attacks Republican attempts to use the fifth anniversary of 9/11 to resuscitate the President’s popularity and help Republicans hang on to control of Congress.

MoveOn.org Political Action’s thirty second spot is planned to begin airing nationwide on cable this week. The ad buy is $100,000.

The ad, "Exploiting 9/11," reminds Americans of the now discredited claims and promises made by the President and Republican leaders in Congress about the connection between 9/11 and Sadaam Hussein; the capture of Osama bin Laden; and making the country safer by invading Iraq

Who want’s to put money on the left buying ad time to use Bin Laden and 9/11 to "resuscitate the presidents popularity"–now that president is Obama? Will there be cries of outrage–yes, but only for those of us who dare point out the contradictions.

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Picture of the day (Osama Is Dead…)


SIlence! I kill You! – Osama Dead Laden Roundup

Achmed The Dead TerroristDing-Dong Osama’s Dead…(you can do the rest.)

The net-sphere’s are of course buzzing with the news.  Osama Bin Laden, the guy with the grudge, is fetching his 72 virgins as we speak, and there is so much being said that I decided to curate some of that for you here.

Katie Pavlich – Town Hall (Text and video)

President Obama spoke directly to the American people tonight, confirming to the world the death of the man behind the September 11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden. After years of tireless work from the United States’ military and U.S. intelligence agencies, the President said over a week ago he had enough intelligence to successfully follow through with an operation to finally kill Bin Laden


Yahoo News

WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden, the glowering mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that killed thousands of Americans, was slain in his luxury hideout in Pakistan early Monday in a firefight with U.S. forces, ending a manhunt that spanned a frustrating decade.


Michelle Malkin

Latest reports via Fox News live right now are that he was killed over a week ago by a US missile. There are conflicting reports on whether he was killed in Afghanistan (CBS) or Pakistan (CNN). CNN reporting that it was a “CIA asset” (read: human ground operation?) that killed bin Laden. [11:24pm Eastern update – Pakistani government tells Fox News that bin Laden was killed in PakistanTODAY…more: one of bin Laden’s sons also killed, along with two male couriers and a female human shield]

Tons more on the jump…

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How About These For Headlines?

You won’t see any of these headlines in the dinosaur media…because they are all true.

Picture of The Day 5-1-11


Picture of The Day 4-30-11

GrokTalk! Saturday April 30th , 2011

Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.

Picture of The Day 4-29-11

I can guarantee someone will be offended by this.

Shea-Porter To Face Democrat Primary

The Concord Monitor is reporting that Portsmouth businesswoman Joanne Dowdell intends to challenge former Congresspersonista Carol SEIU-Porter for a shot at Frank Guinta in 2012.

Royal Wedding Not Your Thing? How about “Australia Hosts Nude Olympics”

It’s not really an ‘Olympics’ is it? It’s more like an excuse to make naked people shake. Now far be it from me to prevent such things under the proper circumstances, but calling it an “Olympics” seems a bit far fetched; here’s what they’ve got.

Picture of The Day 4-28-11 (Eat Fresh!)

This just struck me as funny

Questons For The ‘Pro’ Income Tax Folks.

If you like income taxes so much, and they are so “fair,” why don’t you just move to a state that has them already? Are you put off by their lower quality of life, higher overall tax burden, larger populations of unemployed, higher poverty rates, higher crime rates, and invasive meddling bureaucracies of those other states?

Bonus Pic of the Day….by request.


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