From Day One …or something

It looks like it took 17 days for the Obama Administration to get their team on the ground in Benghazi after the Embassy was attacked.  Seventeen days.  (Maybe the White House should just deputize the “reporters” at CNN, they got there two weeks sooner.) Seventeen days got me thinking.  How long did it take to … Read more

Global Warming Still a Hoax

Missed global warming targets - its not getting warmer
Missed global warming target - "it's not actually getting warmer"

How much warmer has the world become since a) 1880 and  b) the beginning of 1997?

The answer to a) 0.75C
The answer to b) zero.

How much has wacky left wing energy policy based on this ridiculous idea cost us?  Enough to buy the world a coke and keep it company several hundred times over.  Include the global costs of compliance, regulation, loss of productivity and global GDP, dollars diverted to bankrupt green-energy projects, and energy inflation, and the whole-scale abandonment of cheap reliable energy has probably cost the world trillions.

But hey, we wasted that money and accumulated all the debt to help developing nations and our children…to..uh…remain developing nations and to inherit Anthropogenic  Massive Debt.   Which is why recent temperature data was released quietly with little to no media fanfare–they needed a few extra days to work on their narrative.

Mitt Romney and The 57.9%

Democrats want to tax you so that they can then engage in state managed, centrally planned, charity.   Conservatives, Libertarians, and some Republicans object to this for more reasons than I can enumerate here but here is one example worth considering…

As the coercive power of the state will alone decide who is to have what, the only power worth having will be a share in the exercise of this directing power. There will be no economic or social questions that would not be political questions in the sense that their solution will depend exclusively on who wields the coercive power, on whose are the views that will prevail on all occasions.

-F. A. Hayek

Democrats want the government to decide.  And once they start, there is little that will not eventually fall under the gaze and control of the state.   And so, they feel very comfortable engaging in class warfare rhetoric to correct this problem, because taxes–to them–are the benchmark of other peoples charity (except their own, of course).   And they “do not approve,”  can not approve, of people engaging in charity the state does not control becasue most Americans give based on a set of values that Democrats do not share.

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Notable Quote: Max Eastman (Socialism Doesn’t Jibe with Human Nature)

“It seems obvious to me now–though I have been slow, I must say, in coming to the conclusion–that the institution of private property is one of the main things that have given man that limited amount of free-and-equalness that Marx hoped to render infinite by abolishing this institution.  Strangely enough, Marx was the first to … Read more

Maggie Hassan Proud to be a Sponsor of That Tax

Maggie Hassan keeps saying we need to have a conversation about taxes.  We have them all the time.  The difference is that Democrats talk about raising them (hundreds of them), and Republicans talk about controlling or lowering them.  And then there are the conversations about taxes that slip out when you are least expecting them to.

We get just such an example from the September 19th Gubernatorial debate on business and the economy; when asked about RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative, Candidate Hassan said this…

I was proud to be a sponsor of that tax, eh, the energy efficiency program because it has saved businesses millions and millions of dollars and created over 400 jobs.

That’s a notable quote right there.

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Jay Leno on VP Biden and The Debate

Jay Leno goofs on Joe Biden.

October Surprise – Democrat Party Civil War “Clinton’s vs. Obama’s”

clinton obama fued over BenghaziThree Days ago I suggested that someone had to take the blame for Benghazi and the cover up and that the Clinton’s would never let that ruin Hillary’s chances at a future Presidential run, or at the very least would they let it spoil their place in history.  I summed it up like this.

This cannot be disguised as some conspiracy theory.  Americans died – Obama lied.  So someone has to swing and I can’t see Clinton taking the fall, or taking it alone.

Seeing as we are talking about the blamer-in-chief, finger-pointer extraordinaire, narcissistic child-president, there is no way he (Obama) is taking the blame for this. He has czars and secretaries of this or that to take the blame, that is why they are there, at least in his mind.  But that particular act of arrogance (against Hillary Clinton) might be all that is needed to topple him completely.  And Friday, Jay Carney got the ball rolling by inferring that State is responsible for handling security at the embassies not the White House.

Gauntlet thrown.  Let the civil war begin.

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Does Merrimack Journal Editor Susan Clark Know Merrimack is a Republican Town?

This week’s Merrimack Journal is a left-wing work of art. It includes seven letters to the Editor. All seven are in support of Democrats.  Six of the seven have headlines that either downgrade Romney or Promote Obama. (One supports a Democrat for the NH House).

While I am willing…barely…to suggest that in a predominantly Republican town of 28,000 (roughly), that not one of those Republicans sent a letter to the Editor of the local fish-wrapper, the odds seem a bit high.

The icing on the cake? The ‘editors’ comments on the same page, suggest that they receive all kinds of letters but that they do not want to publish any that attack candidates. They are looking for positive letters. This, in conjunction with the published content, is meant to imply that they got letters from Republicans, they were just too mean spirited to put in the paper.

But how does a biased left wing editor even know what that might be? She doesn’t.

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It’s alive….ALIVE! (Sort of)

My conspicuous absence has been noted. I felt lousy yesterday. That evolved into a full blow ‘bed-ridden’ 16-hour marathon nap. I’m not done feeling lousy so I won’t be blogging much until I feel better–or at least a little better. I just wanted my liberal “friends” to know so they wouldn’t worry about me. They … Read more

Ambassador Died- Now Biden Lied

I’m playing catch-up, having missed everything that happened in the past 18 hours–VP debate, Town council meeting, a few hundred emails…but this is low hanging fruit.  It’s so low that even MSNBC couldn’t help but pick it. Joe Biden, at the VP-Debate (In Biden’s case the V apparently stands for Vaudevillian), said–not once but twice–that … Read more

To New Hampshire Democrat Aaron Gill – About That ‘Free From Out Of State Influence’ Thing…

This makes an excellent followup to what Skip just wrote about the DLCC endorsing a local New Hampshire Democrat.

Speaking about New Hampshire legislators that same Democrat candidate, Aaron Gill (Hillsborough 39) writes

We expect their personal conduct to reflect the character of New Hampshire citizens, that the work of the people will be conducted openly, fairly, and consistently, and that our neighbors in Concord will make independent decisions.

Most importantly, we expect members of the House to represent us free from the constraints of pledges, free from rigid ideology, and free from the goals of out-of-state interests.

This is a direct quote from Aaron’s Act Blue donations page. (I’m not linking to it, but I cached it)

What does it say (out of the gate) about the conduct and character of a candidate who is only collecting donations to his campaign through a third party aggregater, based outside New Hampshire?

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Romney Ahead in NH?

Another Poll, another result.  This one, from American Research Group, (Hill Blog) shows Romney up in New Hampshire 50-46. In other polling, the Granite State WMUR poll shows Romney still down six points, but at the same time they recorded an 18 point swing in Romney’s favor among women voters since their last poll.  So … Read more

Heartbeat from The Oval Office – Biden Lies Some More

You Cannot Even Believe How Full of Crap I am!!

Politics before principle is bad enough, but when you clearly do not even have any principles its just that much worse.

So here we have serial exaggerator, story-teller, gaff-o-matic, and professional fib teller Joe Biden, blaming Paul Ryan for spending on Iraq and Afghanistan-while claiming he never voted to fund them himself.

See?  Joe is special.  He’d never vote to fund those wars….except that he did.  Both of them.

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Benghazi You Tube Video Takes Out….Jay Carney?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is missing.  He may have been taken out by a You Tube Video. I’m not sure if it’s this one, or one like it, but it probably has something to do with “Ambassador Died – Obama Lied.”  Ever since the truth started leaking out, the regimes press-puppet has gotten … Read more

Is My School Board Ready To Run On The NHSBA Agenda?

Irritating the Bureaucracy makes me smile.  Irritating the lobbying arm of the bureaucracy that disguises itself as something else is even better.  And that is what my friend Gary Krupp has done on his maiden voyage into the Blogosphere.  (Welcome to the deep end of the pool.)

Gary gives us an update on the local effort at damage control by the pro-lobbyist faction in town; the New Hampshire School Board Association (NHSBA) was invited to perform for the school board, which like some corpulent monarch was adequately amused to continue offering them indulgences…it is not, after all, their money.

The School Board lapped it up. They threw a few softballs Mr. Comstock’s way, and then discussed the process for submitting resolutions of their own for the upcoming NHSBA delegate assembly.

Thank you sire, thank you…

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Will Hillary Clinton Give Barack Obama An October Surprise?

LIBYA Embassy Attack Benghazi - Will Clinton take the fall?Congress is preparing to investigate the Benghazi attack and what lead to the death of Ambassador Stevens and three others.  It will also have to follow the trail of ‘cover-up’ bread crumbs left in the two weeks that followed, by which the Administration lied about almost everything, what they knew, when, and why.

The Department of State and Secretary Hillary Clinton have said they will assist however they can, and are responding promptly to witness requests by the Oversight committee.

So here’s my thinking.  Given that the Administration and State knew, and what we all now know, if Clinton gets hung up on this does it end her political career?  Could Benghazi destroy any remaining interest she might have had at running for President in 2016?

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Is Telling A Black Woman To Kill Herself Racist?

Stacey-Dash gets hate from leftActress Stacey Dash, who is easily as black as Barack Obama, announced that she would be voting for Mitt Romney.  The (in)tolerant left unleashed their tweeting Klansman who proceeded to heap hate upon her, imploring that she just kill herself. (Did you notice the tweet from a PhD?  Dr. Hate!)

But why stop there?

How about house negro, Uncle Tom, or this one I never heard before… ‘Oreo cookie bitch?’  I can feel the ‘love’ from here.  So is an Obama supporter telling a woman of color to kill herself racist?

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Birds of a Feather

WaPo At the end of fiscal 2011, Sesame Workshop and its subsidiaries had total assets of $289 million. About $29 million was held in cash and “cash equivalents,” mainly money-market mutual funds. Another $121 million on the balance sheet was held in “investments.” According to the accompanying notes, these investments included stakes in hedge funds … Read more


Thanks Joe! “I was recently at my local gas station and asked a guy named Joey Danco. I said, ‘Joey, how much did it cost to fill your tank?’ You know what his answer was? He said, ‘I don’t know, Joe. I never have enough money to do it.’” Gas was $3.17 when Joe Biden … Read more

Obama Campaign Worker OK With People Voting Twice

In the wake of NH Superior Court Judge John Lewis insisting that out of state students should be able to vote in New Hampshire no matter what the elected legislature thinks, Project Veritas delivers a new video in which an Obama re-election campaign worker aids and abets a voter trying to vote in two states … Read more

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