How much warmer has the world become since a) 1880 and b) the beginning of 1997?
The answer to a) 0.75C
The answer to b) zero.
How much has wacky left wing energy policy based on this ridiculous idea cost us? Enough to buy the world a coke and keep it company several hundred times over. Include the global costs of compliance, regulation, loss of productivity and global GDP, dollars diverted to bankrupt green-energy projects, and energy inflation, and the whole-scale abandonment of cheap reliable energy has probably cost the world trillions.
But hey, we wasted that money and accumulated all the debt to help developing nations and our children…to..uh…remain developing nations and to inherit Anthropogenic Massive Debt. Which is why recent temperature data was released quietly with little to no media fanfare–they needed a few extra days to work on their narrative.