Ask Maggie Hassan: What Pledge Did You Take?

Steve MacDonald

Did Maggie Hassan Take the Pledge?Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan says she took The Pledge.  What she means (at least for us to believe) is that she took the anti-tax pledge.  The one where Democrats lie to voters about promising to veto any sales or income tax that reaches them.  Lie or not I’m having a hard time figuring out exactly what she means.

CNHT, New Hampshire’s traditional keeper of ‘The No Tax Pledge’ has no record of Hassan submitting a signed Pledge to veto a broad based tax.

American’s for Tax Reform, similarly aligned with CNHT, also does not list Maggie Hassan as someone who has taken the no tax pledge.

So what pledge did Maggie Hassan take?

It is entirely possible that she has signed some kind of pledge, but my suspicion is that she is probably just giving us her word.  Nothing signed.  Nothing in writing.  We are meant to ignore years of legislative history during which she raised taxes every chance she could get, and just assume that because she is now running for governor, she has turned over a new bag of leaves.  (One leaf would not be enough for a tax and spender like Hassan.)

So the mystery remains.  What pledge?

Until we find out, here is video of Margret Wood Hassan, Maggie ‘The Red,’ The Louisville Slugger, The Duchess of Phillips-Exeter, “pledging” to veto any sales or income tax.  Her mouth is moving, so you know what that means.

[And not that having it in writing would be any more likely to hold her in check, until we actually have it in writing (even on the back of a cocktail napkin for example) I wouldn’t buy it for a second, and not even then.  But it would be in writing.]


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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