Are Pavlov’s Disciples Behind Trumps Assassination Attemps

Russ Payne

If a dog can be trained to salivate each time he sees a light appear, is it not possible to condition people’s minds to commit violent assassination attempts? As a longtime student and observer of how Pavlovian mind control influences the American political arena, two books from the 1970s give insight into how Pavlov’s techniques are played out on a mass scale.  

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Edward Hunter’s “Brainwashing,” published in 1969, exposed this basic communist strategy, explaining how our POWs in Korea were subjected to controlled sessions. A communist psychologist purposely encouraged the whole group to direct their criticism at one individual for hours continuously.  Too many times, self-will was broken, surrendering to group thought. The goal was to create a “group collective will” that encouraged several to turn against their country and go on TV before the world, accusing the United States of using germ warfare in Korea. Unfortunately, a small number of POWs were broken and made false confessions against their country.

The other book is “Sensitivity Training” by Phoebe Courtney. Following its publishing in 1969,  a popular live play called “Hair” featured the characters strutting the stage buck naked. Why did the characters accept this so-called new mortality? They were all required to take “Sensitivity Training.” This “training” is a Pavlovian conditioned response carried on today by corporations, in our schools, and essential training for our police. Brainwashing is alive and well, targeting our people by conditioning individual minds to surrender to group will. 

The Trump assassination seeds of hatred can also be viewed from a Pavlovian conditioned response perspective. For the past 8 years, CNN, NBC, CBS, and the New York Times, along with the multiplying effect of passionate social media, utilized dehumanizing rhetoric such as “Trump is Hitler” and “Trump will destroy our democracy.” President Donald Trump and the MAGA people today are the prime targets of the accepted Marxist mindset that millions of unaware citizens have become proponents of. Mass mind control that aims at all that is righteous, good, and great about our American Republic has become an enemy of the state. Today’s new morality rewards evil and punishes good. Is it not fair to conclude that constant repetition of hate could motivate two out of millions to violence? Don’t let the disciples of Pavlov steal your mind.


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