“Jesus Save Me!”

Russ Payne

During Hurricane Helene’s devastation from Asheville, NC, a mom interviewed on TV tearfully expressed how proud she was of the courage of her 7-year-old son, Micah. Meghan Drye shared Micah’s final words while drowning with his two grandparents.  Instead of crying out in fear, Micah called out, “Jesus save me!”

There’s a lesson in this for our leaders in a hot campaign for the White House and those who choose our leaders  “Look to our Creator for guidance.”  For during  the post-WWII era, “God our Creator” and the Ten Commandments have been gradually  kicked out of our nation through dozens of Supreme Court decisions.  Today, America has traveled in a sea of darkness without a moral anchor. 

Thanks to Russ for the Contribution – Send yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Patriots: listen to the Micah’s powerful words, “Jesus save me!” You’ll find out that God, throughout history, also has a lot to do with guiding nations when you read his words aimed at His people.  American Family Association AFA VP Ed Vitagliano states in The Stand Magazine that this would require: “Christian repentance and holiness on levels consistent with – 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear their prayers from heaven, forgive their sins  and heal their land.” I believe Micah’s final words are the hope of our nation.

Micah Drye’s final courageous words, “Jesus save me,” contain more wisdom than the American government has demonstrated since WWII.


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