A Christmas Story is a well known movie in my family. While it very much annoys my mother that anyone would watch the same movie more than once, my father and my sisters and I know it by heart. Readers might ask why I would think about such a movie in March and my answer is that Ed Mosca made me do it.
Julie Smith
Even More Thoughts on Reps’ Private Email Accounts
With the Right To Know Tax, aka HB 1002, awaiting its big day in the House, many readers have already seen my first piece on private email addresses being used by members of the legislature for public business and my follow-up piece. As a result, there has been some discussion, which I’m pleased to say has been thoughtful and civil so far.
Night Cap: Private Emails of State Reps and 91A, Is the Jury Still Out?
Considering that the RTK Tax, aka HB 1002, still needs to go to the whole House, it’s not yet dead, but in hospice care. I expect Rep Kuttab and Judge Lynn to perform CPR on it from the Reps Hall mic with the same fervor that an ambulance crew responds to a 911 call. It’s just a question of who drives and who tends the patient bedside.
NH House, Selectively Reactionary?
I just read today’s “Judy Aron Report,” which is a great thing to do the day after the House meets. One of many reasons to encourage others to do the same is that she captures most of the items of great public interest.
NH Legislators Who Use Private Emails for ‘Public Business’ … and The Right to Know Law
Remember Daniel Richard’s first State Supreme Court litigation? He sued the legislature pro se and humiliated Attorneys James Cianci (House Counsel) and Richard Lehmann (Senate Counsel) during oral arguments. As part of the overflow crowd, I watched it livestream in the legal library and must say that Attorney Lehmann did a better job of saving face than Attorney Cianci.
What if State Epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan Were Under a Second “Oath”?
I just finished reading yesterday’s article on OATHS administered to those testifying at committee hearings. Kudos to Reps Leah Cushman and Sandra Panek. And shame on swamp rat Lucy Weber, an attorney, mind you, who objected. This reminded me of the OTHER oath, the one that doctors take, you know, the one to do no harm.
Is There a Law Against CUI in New Hampshire? (Canoeing Under the Influence)
While visiting WMUR, I clicked on this (Two children hospitalized after canoe overturns; father charged with DWI). I’m familiar with the Winnipesaukee River. I’ve paddled many parts of it, many times, and at many levels. I’ve done it on New Year’s Day and countless other times in 32-degree water.
City Hall has an Opportunity to “Come About.”
I am using the nautical term “come about” because Alderman Dowd, the 2023 Secret Keeper of the Year, is a Navy veteran and has repeatedly reminded the voters that he’s a submarine expert.
Voter’s Regrets, the Sequel
Though this article is designed for the Ward 2 voter/reader, Alderman Dowd’s chairmanship is ultimately a citywide product. Alderman Wilshire was given the gavel by the body of 15. That’s nine wards with one alderman apiece plus six members elected at large. Keep in mind that there was an opportunity to remove some of those 6 in addition to the mayor.
Night Cap: Accountability, Transparency and Executive Council Dynamics
From a front-row seat on January 31, I observed two well-known lawyers sparring in the executive council chamber. It was Warmington and Formella, and the heated dialogue begins at 1h21 min in this video.
His Excellency’s Long Term Plans … Don’t Be Thinking CNN or MSNBC.
Being the small world that it is, I often run into familiar people on “our side” at Market Basket, and today’s encounter person was former Nashua GOP chair Chris Buda. I asked him if he read my latest piece on Chuck Morse, and he said no and followed up with “I’m sure it’s not flattering.”
When Is Chuck Morse Going To Pat Some Cats? (And Other Important Questions)
Readers might be thinking they’re going to read some light-hearted content that’s void of mentioning Chuck’s 11/19/21 crime against NH, but not so fast! Here’s the link with a short video.
YOU, Property Taxpayer, are the (Library’s) CUSTOMER
I was thinking some more about HB 1308, Arlene’s bill for parental access to library records, and thought about an old Ian Underwood article that should be in the Grok archives and found in a search.
Attention to Dysfunction in The House Children and Family Law Committee
The House Children and Family Law Committee (HCFLC) should not be allowed to hide low on anyone’s radar, no matter the amount of relevance one might think it has personally, professionally, or politically. In this election year, most of us can agree that NH is a hot mess in many ways and is not exempt from its share of nationwide woes.
Interested in Fighting for Parental Rights and Against Library Lewdness?
Rep Arlene Quaratiello vented to me last night that the House Children and Family Law Committee gave her bill, HB 1308, the ITL with a 13-2 vote. Arlene, as you can see on her home page here, is a librarian and has made a few Grok contributions as well.
Where is The Vodka, Comrade Sununu?
Sunday, 2/25/24, marks the 2nd anniversary that the Damn Emperor (Chris Sununu) tweeted a virtue-signaling executive order removing all Russian vodka from the shelves of the state liquor stores. He also subsequently took to social media many times with pictures of Ukrainian color-themed things.
Rep Kuttab Forgot who She’s in Office to Serve
Most readers are already familiar with the RTK Tax bill, aka HB 1002. If anyone needs to see its legislative history, click on this link. And there are several published articles about HB 1002 listed here.
Night Cap: Voter’s Regrets?
Let me first say that this statement is about the incompetent finance committee chair and my former opponent, Alderman Dowd, and not me. I want to get that disclaimer on record before I get accused of being a sore loser. Last November, I lost to him 830-1003 with 182 undervotes.
Is Sen. Regina Birdsell Part of the Covid Cult? You Decide.
Shane Sirois, a rep from the lovely red town of New Ipswich, emailed me, identifying himself as a member of the Vax Injury Caucus. He was putting out an all-hands-on-deck call for action because SB 319 had a hearing in the Senate HHS committee on 1/10/24. Like I’ve said before, Nashua owes red towns its gratitude for serving us unserved folks in the House.