City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Next Tuesday, Vote Out Dowd and Kelly

I have been a critic of the eight BoA members who voted against the City Charter Amendment for the appointment of the police commissioners for failing to engage in educating the public to vote no on Ballot question #2. Seven weeks of silence and finally a letter.

In 2014 Rick Dowd was a Republican for Democrat Peggy Gilmour

Peggy Gilmour is a progressive Democrat. She’s very progressive. She worships at all the progressive totems. Speaks the language of the left. She likes more taxes, more regulation, and less local control. In 2014 Nashua Alderman Rick Dowd endorsed Democrat Peggy Gilmour. Dowd was a Republican for Peggy. He supported her instead of an actual Republican, … Read more

Is the RCRC Senator Gannon’s Water Carrier?

Though I’m neither a resident nor a paid member, I wound up on the Rockingham County Republican Committee (RCRC) email list some time ago after buying a raffle ticket. It’s important to mention that this Candidate’s forum was scheduled weeks ago, with more than one announcement or notice. At 12:25 pm on Wednesday, the RCRC … Read more

Main Street

Nashua’s Disregard for the Law

Nashua Attorneys take orders from the Mayor, but when those orders violate the constitution, state statutes, or City laws, shouldn’t the Attorneys make a hard stop and comply with the law? Not in Nashua. The Budget Review Committee (BRC) holds public meetings starting in May to review each department’s budget. In June, the Board of … Read more

Who is Elenore Casey Crane?

Now that filing time is over, it appears that Lily Tang Williams has 12 opponents in the September 10 primary for Annie Kuster’s seat.

What if Parents ask Gun-Related Questions, Comrade Mrs Newman?

My reps and two-time opponents, Comrades Mr & Mrs Newman, have a history of ignoring emails. Normally, I don’t email them, but my personal email history with them started in October 2021 following the executive council arrests. With them and the Damn Emperor being on opposite sides of the aisle (on paper, at least), I mistakenly … Read more

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Voter’s Regrets, the Sequel

Though this article is designed for the Ward 2 voter/reader, Alderman Dowd’s chairmanship is ultimately a citywide product.  Alderman Wilshire was given the gavel by the body of 15.  That’s nine wards with one alderman apiece plus six members elected at large. Keep in mind that there was an opportunity to remove some of those … Read more

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Night Cap: Voter’s Regrets?

Let me first say that this statement is about the incompetent finance committee chair and my former opponent, Alderman Dowd, and not me.  I want to get that disclaimer on record before I get accused of being a sore loser. Last November, I lost to him 830-1003 with 182 undervotes.

Scales of justice gavel law court

Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua (The Sequel)

Paula had her day in court this afternoon and I thought a summary of observation would be of interest. Many witnesses were in court this morning in Concord as plaintiffs against Chris Ager, which I’m sure someone else will report on as I wasn’t there.

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Spying and How Emboldened the Ruling Class Has Become

Our future mayor, Mike Soucy, has had a few meet-and-greet events in various parts of the city. I did not attend the Castro’s Backroom one as I don’t smoke, but I was at the first one, well-attended and hosted by Family Pizza in Ward 5.