Rep Kuttab Forgot who She’s in Office to Serve

Most readers are already familiar with the RTK Tax bill, aka HB 1002. If anyone needs to see its legislative history, click on this link. And there are several published articles about HB 1002 listed here.

And that doesn’t include the plethora of non-Grok pieces.  Grab a shovel and start digging in if you like.  There are also videos of discussion and comments.  One of them can be found here, which is the 1/17/24 hearing in House Judiciary.

It should be noted that Judge Lynn happens to be the House Judiciary Committee chair.  I call him “Judge Lynn” because he was the “Judge Roberts of NH.”  We all know what a national disappointment Roberts was when Obamacare was in litigation and ultimately called a tax.

HB1002 is also a tax, and Judge Lynn, now aged out of the court into retirement and governmentally reincarnated as a Windham state rep, is aggressively pushing for this horrible bill.

You can watch him at the Reps Hall podium several times in the 2/8/24 House video here:

But I’m focusing on his little freshman quisling, also from Windham.  That’s HB 1002’s sponsor, Rep Katelyn Kuttab. Rep. Kuttab thinks she works for annoyed and inconvenienced government employees rather than the Granite State citizenry.

I’ve received unconfirmed word (a non-germane sidenote as context) that she’s a covidiot.  Yeah, that’s right, “wear your mask and roll up your sleeve,” but let’s talk about this bill she’s pushing (HB1002) with Judge Lynn’s blessing and advocacy.

Kuttab, a member of the Uniparty elite inner circle, has responded to an email from one of my locals, whose identity will not be shared.  I’ll first direct all readers outside of Nashua to refer to the multitude of articles by Laurie Ortolano and Laura Colquhoun (L&L), which you can use the Grok search tool to find.  They clearly establish what an RTK hellhole Nashua really is.  Here is an email from the private citizen addressing the whole committee:

“Dear Sirs and Madams:

I am writing today regarding  HB1002, a bill that would add a $25 hourly fee for right-to-know requests. I implore you to  OPPOSE HB1002.

The primary purpose of government is to protect our rights. The justification for taxation is the shared cost of the protection of rights. We have a right to public records. We do not pay fees for rights. This is as absurd as having to pay a fee for the right to the Second Amendment because the government sometimes has to prosecute gun crimes.

NH has no other mechanism for transparency like some other states do. The real purpose of this bill seems to be cutting down the amount of RTK requests. In other words, the real purpose is to put barriers in the way of government transparency. We need more transparency, and we do not need to make it a burden to citizen taxpayers to exercise their rights.
Blessings,(a Nashua private citizen)”

And Kuttab’s reply was as follows:

“Good Morning M(the emailer),
Thank you for your email. While I absolutely agree fully on the importance of transparency, I think there has to be reasonableness. Taxpayers also have a right to keep their hard earned money and not throw it away on requests that even the requestor doesn’t really want, or are for the financial gain of out of state commercial entities. This is not just for state agencies, it’s municipals and school districts too.
Certain requests require redactions at $400 an hour from a contract attorney, not a public employee, because we also have a right to privacy and not all information is public. The right is to not be “unreasonably restricted”, so this bill is an attempt to create balance, with 10 hours of records from a body for free in a month, and beyond that is up to $25 an hour. We are looking into amending, but I do think some fee is needed for extensive requests, as it’s fiscally irresponsible for taxpayers to be footing $10k bills a request on requests which are often never even picked up. Do you have any suggestions on how to balance it to be reasonable? I am happy to discuss this constructively to come up with a solution that most can agree on, if you have some ideas you’d like to share.


– Katelyn Kuttab”

Now don’t be fooled, dear readers, by the politeness of her reply.  I would compare it to the friendly grandmotherly behavior of Mrs Newman, who is known to smile and wave and warmly greet you by name all while still practicing her Marxism with her roll call votes.

If you see Kuttab in Concord or Windham, I suggest you greet her with a modified version of the way my reps should be greeted.  Seinfeld will show you how it’s done.

I am calling on Ken Eyring & Co and the good folks of Windham to recruit and support some viable candidates to flush out the two bad actors(Kuttab and Judge Lynn) in the primary.  We need them to do this for the good of all of NH.

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