Where is The Vodka, Comrade Sununu?

Julie Smith

Sunday, 2/25/24, marks the 2nd anniversary that the Damn Emperor (Chris Sununu) tweeted a virtue-signaling executive order removing all Russian vodka from the shelves of the state liquor stores.  He also subsequently took to social media many times with pictures of Ukrainian color-themed things.

One of them was about a gift from Papa Smurf with a picture of just his torso captioned, “Thanks for the tie, Dad.”  Another was of him being a bakery customer purchasing a piece of layer cake with blue and yellow colors captioned with some pro-Ukrainian comment.

Let me be clear that there is no disrespect to be had against the national origin or ancestry of Ukrainians.  In fact, praise to the late great Dr Zelenko for all his contributions to covid treatment protocol and praise to Hooksett Rep Yury Polozov for voting in a way that cancels out Comrade Mrs. Newman!

Clear as Vodka

I saw Adam Sexton at an executive council meeting several months ago, as I often do.  I approached him to ask questions about the removed Russian vodka.  I wanted to know if he planned to find out if it’s already been paid for, if it was returned to the vendor, if it was DCAed (disposal of company assets), or if it was quietly served to donors, etc.  Lots of questions can be asked.  And I am not a connoisseur of vodka, just an interested Granite Stater who wants to know what has become of state property, like Ted Gatsas’s interest in the Laconia State Hospital property.  RTK, anyone?

God forbid, the dastardly HB1002 might make it to his desk if Judge Lynn gets his way.  If that happens, His Excellency will probably sign it, thus making an RTK inquiry unaffordable to the average peasant, um, I mean “proletariat.”  If I were a graphic artist, I would submit a meme of the state house with an onion dome on top.  Why not?  I do remember an old article on Comrade Andru Volinsky with a picture of him in uniform and wearing one of those well-known fur hats.

Adam Sexton pointed me to a liquor commission bureaucrat who just happened to be sitting next to me.  Though I don’t remember her name, I asked a few questions and did not take notes. What I do remember being told was that the product was in storage.  As a former warehouse worker and Oracle user, I know that there are often opportunities to cleverly avoid transparency. My former boss often lectured us on the reasons why we have Sarbanes and all the nuisances that come from it.

What I’m about to say should not be taken as an endorsement of Kelly Ayotte, but I did raise my hand after her stump speech at Sky Meadow Thursday night and asked what she would do if HB 1002 wound up on her desk.  This was just hours after the House met and sent it back to the committee, and JR tried to table it.  While she didn’t say the word “veto,” she did say in the presence of a full room of witnesses that she was not a fan of the bill.

But with all that being said, I predict that the Russian vodka, if not already served, burned as fuel, or dumped out, will stay where it is until after His Excellency leaves office.


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