Gas Tax, Gas Tax, Gas Tax! Bill O’Brien Has An Amendment for HB 617

Former House Speaker Bill O’Brien has submitted a proposed amendment to HB 617 the New Hampshire Democrats massive gas tax hike.   It would require all taxes raised to go to the Highway Department for roads and bridges.   (From Facebook) This morning I sent the following email to all other state representatives. I would like … Read more

A Lot of RTK Tax Supporters Support Kelly Ayotte

As endorsements are coming in for all candidates for all offices, like last night’s floodwaters, I want to call attention to some of Kelly Ayotte’s “problem endorsers.” No, I’m not talking big-time Deep State people, businesses, and organizations, but people that any respectable Nashua homegrown candidate for any office should shun.

Future State Senator Emily Phillips

In 2022, JR tried to recruit me to primary my senator.  I won’t take the readers on a scenic side trip discussing the details of my multiple reasons for declining his request, but he did stroke my ego and I agreed to hear his 30 second ad on why I should say yes because I … Read more

Investigating that Nashua Flag Pole.

Most readers are already familiar with a flag pole outside Nashua City Hall, the one being referred to in this link. Over the years, it has been called various names. For those not up to speed on Nashua matters, I will offer the latest Grok piece and the one from the day before.