Is There a Law Against CUI in New Hampshire? (Canoeing Under the Influence) - Granite Grok

Is There a Law Against CUI in New Hampshire? (Canoeing Under the Influence)

While visiting WMUR, I clicked on this (Two children hospitalized after canoe overturns; father charged with DWI). I’m familiar with the Winnipesaukee River. I’ve paddled many parts of it, many times, and at many levels. I’ve done it on New Year’s Day and countless other times in 32-degree water.

I am always dressed properly and in a variety of NON-MOTORIZED vessels. The kind Democrats Lou D’Allesandro and Jeff Goley have repeatedly wanted to tax. Pay attention to the word “non-motorized” because I’ll get back to that in a moment.

And before I forget, I send my “get well soon” wishes to the kids in the hospital.  I’m glad they and their dad are still on our side of the grass. I’m not going to defend his irresponsible behavior as a parent. The experts can discuss that among themselves though I want to point out that DSS has been weaponized against parents that the Damn Emperor has a vendetta against. Just talk to JR or the Domes guy if you want to learn more about that.

I could even take this discussion to talk about “the system” and all its dysfunction, from the 2017 death of 4-year-old Brielle Gage on Queen Heather’s watch to the current youth center litigation, but others can do that if they want. I’m not going to talk recovery stuff, either. There are plenty of fine folks in NH, many on “our side,” who can speak to that from various points of view and wearing many hats with regard to that matter.  They’re certainly welcome to share their thoughts.

And back to my whitewater experience, I’ve paddled with plenty of stoners.  Not only that, I’ve received my fair share of assistance from many of them, whether or not they were using at the time, after I had to eat humble pie on the water myself(usually resulting from an unsuccessful roll attempt after capsizing).  They’ve thrown me a rope, chased after my lost paddle, fetched my capsized boat, and many other acts of kindness.  I certainly don’t want them to appear on the next episode of North Woods Law in an unflattering way.

What I’m here to protest is the father being given a DUI. As referenced earlier, a canoe is just as non-motorized as a bicycle.  This man is being charged with the wrong charge. He might not even drive. Maybe. And another question I have is why couldn’t the local police do their own dirty work of arresting him?  This incident took place far from 93, where the Gestapo hands out most of their DUIs.

Furthermore, I am interested in seeing a copy of this man’s criminal complaint, which should be interesting. That document, which we learned in the fall of 2021, does NOT have to be issued when bail is made. In fact, we all remember nine people having to wait 23 days (from 10/13/21 to 11/5/21) to receive theirs and only to have the signature of the disgraced Officer Provenza instead of the specific stormtrooper who did the deed.

Is this recently arrested man someone who criticized the Damn Emperor?  Or was it that he simply said “amen” after being rescued and seeing his kids rescued?
