Trever Loudon and Biship E.W. Jackson

This Week: Trevor Loudon and E.W. Jackson in New Hampshire – Who is Behind the Socialist Agenda?

This week the 603 Alliance is hosting a series of 3 free events featuring Trevor Loudon and E.W. Jackson.  Locations are Plymouth, Portsmouth, and Manchester.  If past experience with these 2 speakers is any indication, these events promise to be pretty interesting.

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Polar Bear Climate change makes me sad

NBC Invites “Climate Confessions”, Hilarity Ensues

NBC News has created a platform for virtue-signaling doomsday-cult enthusiasts to confess their sins. “Climate Confessions” is a new page on the NBC News website that offers the public a forum for posting admissions of their environmentally unfriendly habits.

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Rachel Maddow Meme

MSNBC Wants to Know: Should People Be “Allowed” to Carry Guns?

MSNBC is running an online poll:  Should People Be Allowed to Carry Guns in Public? Here it is: MSNBC Poll You know what to do.


Is it Time to Start Talking About Communism Again?

Ten years ago, “socialism” was still a dirty word on both sides of the political aisle. Leftists deflected accusations of socialism as an expression of old-fashioned right-wing paranoia (and racism!), while right-of-center pundits avoided it like a third rail.

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Oops Hillary

Trump 2020 Invokes Rule #5 on Hillary Clinton

Alinsky’s Rule #5 says that “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”  (Sadly, Mr. Alinsky was not up to date on the left’s latest diktats for gender-neutral language.) Like it or not, it’s true.  And Donald Trump knows it. If you go to a non-existent page on the official Trump campaign website, you don’t get a … Read more


Settled Silence

If man-made climate change is indeed the most urgent threat facing humanity, then experts should embrace the opportunity to make that case and convince non-believers. Unfortunately, the most strident advocates for climate-change remediation seem uninterested in coming to the table. 

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Golden Book AOC Racism

Now it’s Racist to Oppose Jeanne Shaheen


At Tuesday’s rally for Bill O’Brien, the crowd broke into a chant: “Send her home.  Send her home…” The “her” in this case referred to US Senator Jeanne Shaheen (she/her/hers).

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Bill O'Brien US Senate

The 603 Alliance Endorses Bill O’Brien for US Senate

As the Democrats ramp up for the Presidential primary, we hear progressively louder demands for open borders, socialized health care, and increasingly absurd standards of political correctness. Our current US Senators claim to be centrists but have consistently voted in support of a radical agenda. New Hampshire can do better. This Tuesday, Bill O’Brien is … Read more

NEA Teachers Union Logo

Whither Quality Education? Ask the NEA.

As my friend Ian Underwood has pointed out here, here, here, here, and here, there is a lot of data on education spending and a lot of data on student performance, but no correlation between the two.

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Brigitte Gabriel

Facebook’s War on Women of Color

In 1975, when the Lebanese civil war began, Brigitte Gabriel was 10 years old.  After her home was destroyed by Muslim militias, she spent seven years living in a primitive underground bomb-shelter, scrounging for food and water, and never knowing each day whether it would be her last. She still bears the marks in her … Read more


The Claremont Way

In the mid-1990’s, the town of Claremont pleaded poverty, insisting that the rest of the state should pony up more money to fund its local schools. The result was the imposition of a wealth-redistribution scheme on the rest of our state. A decade later, Claremont wasn’t looking so poverty-stricken after all.

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Frame conversation framing

Re-framing, Part 2 (Money In Politics Edition)

In a recent post, I wrote about the importance of “framing the conversation.”  I cited a segment on Tucker Carlson’s show in which he debated a Bernie Sanders surrogate over the Green New Deal. In response to my post, a Grok reader added some remarks in the comments section.

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woorkers vs looters right enemy wrong enemy dan mitchell

Re-framing: Workers vs. Looters

Last night’s Tucker Carlson show included a spot with Nomiki Konst, a former Bernie Sanders’ surrogate.  Tucker started off with this challenge: “Name one proposal in the Green New Deal that you’re aware of that would not increase the power of the Democratic party.”  What followed was not a debate about policies, but rather, a … Read more


JCN calls BS on AOC

“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth.”  While it’s unclear who originally said this (it is sometimes attributed to Lenin, sometimes to Goebbels); the unfortunate fact is that we’re seeing it in action on a daily basis.  The left has become extraordinarily comfortable with outright fabrication, even after it has been proven … Read more

Some Animals are ore equal than others

Identity Politics on the NHGOP eBoard

Fair elections (in which everyone has an equal voice) are good. Special carveouts for identity groups are bad. I thought that was what the GOP stood for, but apparently not. The NHGOP’s bylaws stipulate that three specific Republican groups (NH Federation of Republican Women, the Young Republicans, and the College Republicans) are each entitled to a voting … Read more

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