What is wrong with NH’s Governor?

maggie hassan

Lisa Brady, M.Ed. | GrokWatch News Desk

Still Waiting for Justice!


Dear Governor Hassan,

I am looking forward to a response from you with regard to the following matter that I am also sending to the press:

The New Hampshire NEA (teachers’ union) has gone on record, publicly supporting you and has referred to you as a ‘tireless advocate for New Hampshire school children.’ If that were true, then why would you allow a video that exploits a non-verbal autistic student, in the state of New Hampshire, to continue to be sold for profit at the NH Institute on Disability? I am left with the impression that you may be ignoring the violations because the New Hampshire Department of Education and the NEA are considered major funders of the video? After all, you have and continue to benefit from the NEA’s political support.

Criminal Allegations

Using federal and state public grant funding along with funding from the NEA, University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability staff, Dan Habib and Micheal McSheehan and SAU 56 (Somersworth, NH) Administrators, Jeni Mosca and Pam MacDonald, knowingly allowed a video( ‘Axel’) to be produced and published to the public with false information about a student; claiming that he was able to learn grade level curriculum, on his way to a career, and college bound, when they knew he functioned on a preschool level. As you know, I was terminated for advocating on behalf of my student and the fraudulent video is currently being sold around the United States, to ‘teach the teachers,’ as part of the Who Cares about Kelsey (Axel mini-film) teaching Kit for $195.00.

You may recall another governor (from the state of Georgia) Sunny Purdue, where in 2010 he stated the following about Atlanta’s cheating scandal: “If we find evidence of criminal activity, I am morally bound to present those findings to a grand jury.”Based on your complete failure to do anything to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice, it does not appear that you espouse to the same moralistic rigor. You have received overwhelming evidence from me, revealing that serious educational crimes have been committed in New Hampshire, yet you do not appear compelled to react or to perform the duties required of your political position.

Can you please explain why the UNH Institute on Disability and the Somersworth School District is allowed to get away with violating the law in the State of New Hampshire? Additionally, I would like to know why you do not feel compelled or morally bound to present the evidence that I have supplied you to a grand jury, like other governors faced with similar education cheating scandals around the country.
I will look forward to a response.

Lisa Brady, M.Ed.

Autism Specialist
Durham, NH 03824



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