Steve Negron Announces Conservative Endorsements Across NH-02

steve-negron-Image Credit - WMUR
Steve Negron-Image Credit – WMUR

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     January 11, 2018
Contact: Roger Wilkins                , 603-703-9181

Steve Negron Announces Conservative Endorsements Across NH-02

Nashua, NH – Steve Negron, a Republican candidate for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District, released some significant conservative endorsements for his campaign this week.

NHCMP Endorsement:
“New Hampshire Conservative Majority Project (NHCMP) is proudly endorsing Steve Negron in the NH-02 Republican Primary to take on and defeat tax-and-spend liberal Congresswoman Anne Kuster.

“Steve is a proven conservative with a strong record of defending our liberties as both an officer in the U.S. Air Force and as a principled conservative representing his constituents in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. In addition to serving his country and state, Steve is a highly successful small business owner who understands free markets and knows first-hand what it’s like to deal with senseless government mandates and red tape. NHCMP and its 3000+ grassroots members look forward to doing whatever we can to help elect Steve Negron to represent the people of NH’s 2nd Congressional District.” – Kevin McHugh, NHCMP Founder & Chairman

NHCMP is a grassroots coalition working to elect principled Republicans who stand for low taxes, individual liberty, free markets, limited government, and most importantly, the U.S. and New Hampshire Constitutions. The organization welcomes the membership and support of any law-abiding citizen who shares these principles and is willing to get involved.

Negron for Congress Honorary Chair: Victoria Sullivan
“It is a true privilege to serve as Honorary Chair for the Conservatives for Negron Coalition. Steve Negron for Congress means strong conservative values and unwavering commitment to his constituents. As a retired Air Force Officer, he understands the need to protect our personal liberty while securing our borders from the various national security threats around us. Together, we will work to bring New Hampshire’s voice back to Washington.” – Honorary Chair – State Representative Victoria Sullivan, Assistant Majority Leader of the New Hampshire House and current State Representative for Manchester


Negron for Congress Co-Chairs:
“Conservatives statewide are looking for congressional candidates who articulate our mission for government accountability, fiscal responsibility, and adherence to the tenants of the New Hampshire Advantage; Steve Negron for Congress is our answer.

“His outsider status brings fresh new thinking onto the political landscape – it’s about people! We are ready to put our New Hampshire voice back into Congress. For too long, the lobbyists and big spenders like Congresswoman Ann Kuster have hijacked New Hampshire’s representation to fit their own agenda. I say, ‘No more. Join me in supporting Steve Negron for Congress.” – Hon. Kevin Verville, Manchester Spending Cap Leader and current State Representative for Deerfield

“This last year in Concord, it took the leadership of key legislators to hold the line on fiscal discipline and taxpayer protection; Rep. Steve Negron stood out as one of those leaders.

“I am proud to endorse Negron for Congress. New Hampshire’s message of personal freedom and fiscal discipline has been absent from Capitol Hill for far too long. Join me in helping to send Steve, the embodiment of our New Hampshire values, to be our voice in Washington.” – Hon. Kevin Scully, Nashua State Representative

“Last fall, I met a wonderful family man named Steve Negron. Steve is active in supporting New Hampshire families every day. The conservative cause is lucky to have such an advocate for the unborn and for families in Steve Negron.

“As he pushes forward in a run for Congress, I am honored to be a part of such a cause. Steve Negron has made it a passion to be involved in his church, local Boy Scouts, and coaching baseball; it is obvious that family matters to him. Join me in supporting Steve Negron for Congress – he is the conservative who I am relying on to get the job done.” – Margaret Drye, longtime pro-life/pregnancy crisis advocate, and most recently the Republican nominee for the special election in State House District Sullivan-01 last fall.

“As Granite Staters, we fundamentally know what it means to expect government to live within its means. Steve Negron for Congress means fiscal discipline and protection for taxpayers. In Concord, he has truly demonstrated the fiscally conservative leadership that is in dire need right now.

“Steve understands the New Hampshire advantage and wants to bring it back to Washington. We are going on six years under the agenda of Congresswoman Ann Kuster, and under her control, that New Hampshire advantage has turned into the New Hampshire disadvantage. I look forward to working hard to reverse that, and ensure this seat belongs to the voice of New Hampshire with Steve Negron as their messenger.” – Hon. Mark Cookson, Longtime (Fmr) Nashua At-Large Alderman

“The Second Amendment is very important to me, which is why I am supporting Steve Negron for Congress. As all liberty-minded voters realize, our Constitutional rights are pivotal to a free society. There is one candidate who understands this dynamic, and it is Steve Negron. His work to bring integrity to our elections makes him the only candidate who can bring the fight to Congresswoman Ann Kuster. I look forward to working hard to ensure Steve Negron is our next congressman from NH-02.” – Rick Olson, USMC Veteran, Former Cheshire County Deputy Sheriff. Past President, NHWF, Current President Londonderry Fish & Game Club

“Steve Negron remains the only candidate for Congress who has made a commitment to life through service and community. Whether it is his work at his parish, with the Boy Scouts, as a baseball coach, with his family, or with the Republican Party, he has always been a vocal advocate for a strong national defense, cutting taxes and spending, the right to work, and election integrity. Steve is my choice, and I am proud to endorse him for Congress.” – Chris Wood of Concord, NH Conservative Leader for over three decades, Former Executive Director of New England Right to Work

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