
Kathy Dunton | GrokWatch News Desk


I am sure to tick off many of my fellow conservatives with this one, but here it goes…

It was very exciting a couple of weeks ago to hear him say pretty much what every American is thinking. But now, as they say, he is sucking out all the oxygen. I DO like that he is pissing off the establishment, but this thing with McCain is getting as old as McCain’s time in the Senate.

McCain isn’t running, and we all know he is a moron. The comments that McCain made about the people that were at the best-attended political rally to date shouldn’t be at all unexpected. Saying that Trump “fired up the crazies” is not any different than when (back in 201) he attacked Rand Paul and Ted Cruz calling them “wacko birds.” The guy has complete disdain for anyone that is not an establishment Republican. He dismisses anyone who pushes the issue of following the law of the land, the Constitution.

Trump’s comeback to McCain is to attack his military service. Lame. The guy has turned into a progressive. There are so many others things on his record that could have been addressed and not attack his military service. Leave that alone. But no, he dug a hole and then continued to dig deeper, and to a certain extent put down other POWs.

Then he trades jabs with Lindsey Graham. Graham calls him a “jackass” and Trump responds by calling him an “idiot” and gives out Graham’s cell phone number. No wonder people disengage from “politics” The three of them belong in a clown car.

I actually agree with what Rubio says regarding all this, “The country needs a president who restores dignity and class to the White House.” Putting it simply, we need a grown up that understands the importance of The Constitution.

I don’t think Trump bring that to the table.

Trump goes on to attack Rick Perry, saying “he did an absolutely horrible job securing the border. He should be ashamed of himself,” which is complete BS. A year ago, when all those, “kids” started coming over by the thousands, on top of trains, through the river, he begged the WH for some backup and got nothing. So he called in the National Guard. The guy in the WH even refused Perry’s request to visit the border with him.

So before Trump goes on to attack better candidates than him, let’s revisit some facts about this guy.

He is outspoken. And yes, sometimes that is good.

He says his net worth is $10 billion. So, he probably can’t be bought. But…he also probably can’t realistically relate to any Americans families whose annual combined salary is $50-100k a year. You know, the little people, the middle class, and the voters.

He is against sanctuary cities. We all should be. It’s like the spot on the Monopoly game board that is FREE PARKING for people that broke the law after they get into our country. But he is for comprehensive immigration reform, which is not all that different from the “pathways” that the progressives from both parties support.

In 1999, Trump said on Meet the Press, “I am very pro-choice” even saying that partial birth abortion should remain legal. When considering a run for the presidency in 2011, he said he was pro-life. Yesterday he said that selling baby parts is disgusting. (Of course, this procedure of parting out babies is done largely through partial birth abortions).

Trump was a Democrat from 2001-2008.

He has given more to elect Democrats than Republicans at every election cycle. Since 2010, he still continues to give to Democrats.

Matthew 6:21 Jesus said, “For Where your treasure is, so your heart will be also,”

In 2004, he gave $40.500 to Democrats, and $17,250 to Republicans.

In 2006, he gave $50,000 to get Democrats elected. $1000 to Republicans.

In 2006, he gave $50,000 to assist in Rahm Emmanuel’s Mayoral campaign (Obama’s Chicago mayor)

In 2006, he gave $77,200 to Democrats in the Senatorial races. That same year he gave $26,250 to the GOP.

In 2010, he gave $50,000 to the Progressive GOP, Karl Rove’s super PAC, American Crossroads.

He has financially supported John Kerry, and Ted Kennedy.

In 2010 (after he changed from a democrat to republican) he supported infamous selfie perv, Anthony Weiner. He also supported Harry Reid over ‘tea party’ challenger Sharon Angle to the tune of $10,000.

He is very tight with the Clintons. Bill was unable to make it but, the Hillz had a front row seat to his latest wedding to Melania Knauss, in 2005. Bill showed up at the reception.

One source I read says that he has given between $100,000 -$250,000 to, the Clinton Foundation. The constant figure I found was $100,000 and Apprentice show was mentioned. The show did raise money for charity, so that may be where the other $150,000 comes into play.
The bottom line is that although the guy says some things that need to be said, he is NOT the conservative that he plays himself off to be. We have several fantastic Constitutional candidates running in this race. Because this is such an important race, I hope we pick the right horse. Trump, I fear may be a Trojan one.


Kathy Dunton is a GrokWatch News Desk Contributor.

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