Guest Post – 100% GUARANTEED Predictions

Ted Cruz and Dennis Hamel
Ted Cruz and Dennis Hamel

Dennis Hamel | GrokWatch News Desk

I’ve been hinting around about this for several days now and I’m ready to COMMIT my 100% GUARANTEED predictions on how the GOP primaries will unfold from this time forward.

Note for the record, I am making these predictions (promises really) of what will happen all 100% ABSOLUTELY guaranteed and I am doing that during the last week of March (first edit done March 25th 2015) – well before polling comes in from the NEXT set of primaries.

These are NOT just idle thoughts.

This is genuine inspiration fueled by unique observation and ABSOLUTE precision in forecasting. What you have here are 100% GUARANTEED predictions…

1. Ted Cruz will win the Wisconsin primary next week by a HUUUUGE margin

2. The New York primary in two weeks – on the Donald’s “home turf” – will either be a razor-thin victory by the Trumpster, OR Ted Cruz will win it OUTRIGHT!

3. For the rest of the primary season, Ted Cruz will win the VAST majority of states and therefore delegates

4. By the time of the GOP convention in June(?), the GOP delegate count will either be a “lock” for Ted Cruz OR Ted will have a HUUUUGE lead over Trump.

5. Before the end of May, John “SCISSORHANDS” Kasich will have finally packed up his things and gone back to Ohio where he belongs.

6. The summer news season WILL include not only reporting of the crimes Hill–dabeast is GUILTY of, but it will be reported in the Marxist press. – PLUS people who belong to the Marxist (a.k.a. Democrat) Party will be FORCED to learn about how she abandoned FOUR Americans to be murdered by Muslim terrorist scum in Benghazi.

(FYI – If that is not familiar to you be ABSOLUTELY SURE to watch last summer’s movie ” 13 HOURS.” EVERY American NEEDS to see what REALLY happened on September 11, 2012.)

7. All the Trump–etteers will find themselves dizzy and dismayed after the GOP convention because Ted Cruz will be the nominee.
In the general election (assuming Hill-dabeast is the Marxist nominee) Ted Cruz will ANNIHILATE her – or ANY Marxist nominee that becomes the Marxist nominee! ! !

I can even go so far as to predict that Clinton will win not more than five states – In fact I would be SHOCKED if she even won a single state.

And my final 100% GUARANTEED prediction (promise really) at least for this posting is,

8. The TWO four-year terms of PRESIDENT Ted Cruz will remind everyone of the Ronald Reagan years and his AMAZING legacy… To reuse a quote from that time it will be “… Morning in America again.”

Of course, many of you will forget these 100% GUARANTEED promises.

HOWEVER, what I believe will happen is that AS IT HAPPENS, a little bell will ring in your head reminding you that you heard this somewhere before.

I do not plan for the affirmation of those who see my promises (although of course, affirmation is ALWAYS a positive)

Again however, I won’t lose ANY SLEEP between now and then.


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