How We got To The Henniker Eminent Domain Lawsuit – Let’s Look At The “Instant Replay”

depot hill storage tankKathleen LaBonte-LoFaro | GrokWatch News Desk

Should anyone be interested in knowing how unfairly Lorin was treated by the Henniker’s Cogswell Spring Water Works Department regarding the Depot Hill Storage tank, I’ve attached links to meeting Minutes that you might find interesting, and might feel as disappointed and disgusted as I. We can do better than this, and we must.

The mere fact that the lack of desire by 3 Commissioners to simply obtain and read 2 Deeds, and a town attorney that dropped the ball of the Commissioners request for the Deed of then Planning Board Chair Kristin Claire, the abutting property and actual Deed holder for any road access that might be needed, is to me malfeasance in duty. What was asked of Art Sicillano for Deed verification details (see minutes below), was NOT asked of Kristin Claire.

This lack of a simple verifying process caused an unnecessary law suit, and contributed unnecessary emotional and financial harm to a citizen in Henniker who attempted in every way possible to have this Board read the Deeds. A good taxpaying citizen, who bothers no one and most assuredly deserved respect. Further, the lack of respect to the hard working taxpayers in this community who are unaware of all the lawsuits and that in the end there is no winner. We are all injured one way or another.

What is most perplexing, awful, and arrogant is that on 4/15/14 the Commissioners had Kristin come to a meeting. It appears that whatever the discussion, and wether she showed them a Deed or not, she did state the Right Of Way was on her property. Even knowing that, on 4/21/14 the Commissioners authorized Attorney Mayer to start the proceedings of ROW through Lorin Mulligan’s property – in essence an illegal eminent domain.

We elect a Selectboard to oversee the operation of this town. For too long the Selectboard has left Henniker citizens vulnerable and unprotected from what individual boards are doing and/or not doing to keep Henniker a successful, growing, vibrant, exciting place to live. They ARE the top of the list for oversight of committee members appointed; and indeed, have a duty to serve as ex officio on each committee to keep what happened to Lorin from happening. Don’t you think that it is time that our elected officials start doing their job? And if they don’t want to they should do us all a favor and step down. I would be happy to fill in until the next election; what about some of you out there? Our town’s solvency is dependent on good people who want to serve the all of the people, not just a few who just serve each other.

Cogswell Spring Water Works Approved Minutes

8/9/11 – Art Siciliano deeds were verified.

4/17/12 – Mulligan questioning Right of Way and not allowing entrance to her property until attorney review.

5/15/12 – Waiting for Town Attorney to finish deed research.

Attorney Mayer did not produce the deeds, but just gave the go ahead based on his “opinion.” Further, unlike Siciliano above, the Commissioners never asked again for the Deeds to Claire’s property.

7/17/12 Cogswell Minutes – Attorney Mayer gave the go ahead because in his OPINION they have a right to use the ROW

11/20/12 – Discussion of law suit filed by Mulligan RE: ROW. Also, Mulligan having to install a locked gate to keep the town off her property without permission.

3/19/13 – Complaint from citizen re: Chlorine smell in water, and questioning the law suit.

4/15/14 – Abutters Skladony and Claire attended meeting to discuss deeds and access to Depot Hill Storage Tank

Kristin Claire was Planning Board Chair at the time of this whole mess, and resigned 1/8/13, leaving it in the hands of the Planning Consultant to tell the Planning Board at their meeting 1/9/13. The battle between Mulligan and Cogswell ensued and it wasn’t until 4/15/14 that Clair went to the Cogswell Spring Water Works Department because of invitation to discuss her deed. The minutes are not clear if she brought her deed with her. Don’t you think like me that she should have produced a deed when this issue first came up? I do hope it wasn’t because she didn’t want the scar across her property that they put across Mulligans. It makes inquiring minds wonder.

4/21/14- Commissioners authorize Attorney Mayer to initiate procedures to take Mulligan’s property if agreement not reached.

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