The War on Women’s Sports

We were back at the Legislative Office Building on Tuesday, March 3 to lobby for the right for women to have their own sports, and to support those testifying for bill SB480, the Senate Save Women’s Sports bill, a companion to the House bill HB1251.

Brigitte Gabriel

Facebook’s War on Women of Color

In 1975, when the Lebanese civil war began, Brigitte Gabriel was 10 years old.  After her home was destroyed by Muslim militias, she spent seven years living in a primitive underground bomb-shelter, scrounging for food and water, and never knowing each day whether it would be her last. She still bears the marks in her … Read more

If NH Dems Vote for Jeff Woodburn Are They Declaring a War on Women?

Jeff Woodburn is accused of domestic violence so if North Country New Hampshire Dems vote for Woodburn over the female primary challenger, what does that tell us? If Woodburn were a Republican and voters passed on a woman so they could vote for a man (arrested on nine counts of domestic violence) they’d all be pig-bigots … Read more

Abortion is Ground Zero for the Democrat War on Women

New Hampshire Democrats are calling Republican efforts to remove funding for abortions from the state budget an attack on women’s health.  But if we’re being honest, abortion is ground zero for the Democrat war on women. Nothing is more anti-woman than to deny a young girl her future. Abortion takes everything she would ever be, … Read more

Democrat War on Women’s Restrooms

Democrat War on Women’s Restrooms. (The Daily Signal) “The presence of a male of any variety, whether he’s somebody who identifies as a trans or not, whether he has deviant motives or not, that’s irrelevant to the reality that for survivors of sexual trauma to just turn around and to be exposed to that is an … Read more

The Clinton War on Women…

WSJ | “ one in American politics better personifies a war on women than Mrs. Clinton’s husband. For readers too young to recall the 1990s, we aren’t merely referring to Trumpian gibes about female looks or “Mad Men” condescension. Mr. Clinton was a genuine sexual harasser in the classic definition of exploiting his power as … Read more

The Original War On Women

So reading is actually fundamentalist? (The Alphabet versus the Goddess) “Of all the sacred cows allowed to roam unimpeded in our culture, few are as revered as literacy. Its benefits have been so incontestable that in the five millennia since the advent of the written word numerous poets and writers have extolled its virtues. Few … Read more

CNN’s (And The Liberal Media’s) War On Women

Identity politics Democrats (sorry, that’s redundant), put down your latte’s and grab your iPhones to call your (whoever it is you call when you are supposed to be outraged) – a CNN anchor was giddy at the sound of a woman being assaulted, “(This is) quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio … Read more

Renny Cushing’s Democrat War On Women

New Hampshire House Rep. Renny Cushing (D-Rockingham District 21) says he submitted a California like sexual consent bill because he has daughters.  Does he also have a good lawyer? ‘Yes means yes’ laws also hurt women. “Studies have shown that men are far less likely to report sexual assault than women, but with a law … Read more

Dartmouth College Under Investigation Over It’s War On Women

The Federal Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights has launched an investigation of 55 Universities, including Dartmouth College.   Why?  The statistically exorbitant number of sexual assaults on campus, and the apparent failure of the universities in question to do anything serious about them, creates a sexually discriminatory environment in violation of Title IX. Apparently … Read more

The Democrat War on Women

We know Obama pays women less, which is where I think they get their wage gender gap numbers from, but did you know that under his ‘leadership’ the percentage of women employed by the glorious People’s Federal Government Civilian Labor workforce has declined?  It has. Obama has added more than 177,000 civilian federal employees, but … Read more

Jeanne Shaheen’s War On Women

The Independent Patient Advisory Board, brought into being by Jeanne Shaheen and Senate Democrats, through ObamaCare, is an unelected 15 member panel empowered to make law.  It is entirely partisan, appointed by the President, and inoculated from Congressional or public scrutiny for the purpose of cutting reimbursements paid by the government for health care. This … Read more

The Democrats’ War on Women

Why do Democrats want women to be defenseless in the face of rapists and murderers? Why do Democrats want to ban self-defense when when violent criminals break in to our homes? At, we report, you decide. (But anti-gun Democrats are insane.)