Vermont Shows You How Title IX vs the Left’s War On Women Ends

The Left’s gender war-on-women freight train has been gaining speed lately as they lose things left and right: scholarships, jobs, awards, and their history. If you’d like to see the final form, especially regarding sports, Vermont just showed you their cards.

Related: Vermont Principal’s Association Not Interested In Actual Diversity

Title IX was created to ensure that girls and women had the same opportunities in sports as men. A few decades along and all the recent ‘boys can be girls’ business has folks wondering what that means for Title IX. Here’s your answer: “Vermont bans a high school from athletics for objecting to boys in girls’ sports.”

The end of sanctioned inter-state competition without which there can be no pursuit of scholarships, especially for young women. I’d say it’s a bit ironic that as more boys play on girls’ teams, fewer girls will be on teams, let alone winning games or awards. And for some, it won’t matter, but if a scholarship is the only path to a college or an elite school, the Vermont Principal’s Association just damned poor, underserved communities of girls, the very thing Title IX exists to serve ….unless they bend that Marxist knee.

Treat sex and gender as we say, and we’ll let you lose to boys who are stronger and twice your size. Hey, you might not get hurt, and you may even win once and a while, and that’s a risk they are willing to make you take.

In other words, the advances of Title IX have been erased, and if you don’t like it, play with dolls or bake cookies (right, Hillary?).


Update: The original featured image was incorrect and has been replaced after publication.

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