Biden harris masked supporter

CDC Says No Mask Mandates …For Now.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and observed paranoid culture in action. The few (both employees and customers) who never stopped wearing a mask have been joined by a few handfuls of others. Mask tyranny has crept back into the collective consciousness.

sheep wearing a mask

Mask Mandates Ending?

So now that the CDC has admitted openly (not hidden in a CDC-funded study) that cloth masks don’t work are you still going to insist on this obsession with masking children?

SAU16 Exeter coop

SAU16/EXETER: Setting Precedent for Mask Mandates Forever?

Today kicked off a lawsuit aimed at SAU16, and their mask mandates that would require masks on all children if the number of cases of COVID 19 rise to a certain level.  Several parents in the district filed suit, arguing that the decision to mask a child should be left up to parents.