So now that the CDC has admitted openly (not hidden in a CDC-funded study) that cloth masks don’t work are you still going to insist on this obsession with masking children?
Meanwhile, in the UK, they announced last week they are ending ALL C-19 measures, including masking in schools. Why did they do that? Did they sprinkle magic fairy dust over the island and suddenly C-19 is all gone? Of course not. They simply decided to face the reality that the virus is now endemic and they must learn to live with it as they do all other coronaviruses and have for thousands of years.
But if you insist on “following the science” and really, truly want to reduce risk, the School Board should fund the purchase and distribution to all students and staff 3M P100 respirators. Those are the only masks found to actually stop someone from being exposed to a virus. Otherwise, it’s all just pandemic cosplay.
Additionally, you may want to know there are multiple bills pending in the New Hampshire legislature that, if passed, will not allow school boards to force students to wear masks. I recommend getting ahead of this and ending the masking yourself.
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Original email header moved for page appearance and formating
From: Anonymous
Sent: 1/25/2022 1:40:09 PM
Subject: Mask mandates ending?
Greetings School Board,