covid19 experimental vaccine vials

The Jabbernaughts Will Do Anything to Protect the Right to Mandates

There is growing excitement about a recent 9th Circuit Court ruling in which the case was remanded to the lower court. The Court cited the plaintiff’s claims that the COVID-19 vaccine is a therapeutic (not a vaccine that prevents spread), and as such, the infamous Smallpox decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts cannot apply.

Is The Jab Guilty For Kids Dying

Nobody on earth knows how long they will live in this world. We know that life expectancy has been growing for generations but has dipped in the last decade. This dip can be attributed to increased suicides and drug/alcohol-related early deaths. Losing 100,000 people in the 18-43 age group yearly to Fentanyl poisoning does not … Read more

Vaccine covid 19 vials

We Are Not Saying You Can’t Get The Jab™ if You Want It

The politicized Left does this thing where they take your objection to something and pretend it’s absolute. They do that because that is how they operate, and they assume we’re like them. Not so.

Hollywood sign Photo by Vincentas Liskauskas on Unsplash

As If I Care: Hollywood Celebrities Plotting Strike Until Everyone Gets The Jab™

Not to keep beating this dead donkey, but we’ve got another cabal of misinformed Libs launching a strike in the name of the pandemic Narrative. And this time, it’s an actual strike.

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Did NH Schools ‘Pressure’ Kids to Get The Jab™ with Threats of Long Quarantines?

The data continues to show that almost no one under 20 who is unvaccinated needs to fear the Rona. That did not prevent the Covid Cult from trying to put a needle in every student’s arm or from using scare tactics to get it done.

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Has The Jab Killed More Americans in 6 Months Than the Vietnam War in Ten Years?

It began with reports of athletes dropping dead – not exactly something you can hide. Their numbers grew so quickly that progressive Wikipedia stopped counting them to help hide speculation it was the vaccine. But it got worse, and it wasn’t just athletes.

Tarot Cards - Photo by Manik Roy on Unsplash

The Jab and the Inevitable Coming Unpleasantness

So this is a short post.  It is a prediction of what I fear is coming.

Play the Clottery

Another Blow to the Narrative – CDC Knew in Jan 2021 The Jab™ was Unsafe

The data against the Safe and Effective narrative was significant before the FDA and Pfizer started dumping docs. It’s gone off a cliff since. And thanks to Steve Kirsch (again), it’s taking body blows on the way down.

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Data From 145 Countries Show The Jab Increased Cases and Deaths

Yesterday we shared a report that Pfizer knew its COVID19 “vaccine” was neither safe nor effective. Today, we have a detailed analysis of vaccine, case, and death data crunched from 145 countries that confirm that fact in the real world.

New Mexico Senator Ben Ray Lujan

Blood Clots: Dems Are Down One US Senator – Probably Because of The Jab™

The political ramifications of an absent Democrat US Senator are a big deal. Dems still hold the majority, but with only 49 total votes to the Republicans 50, they can’t even get to a tie for Kamala-Mala to break in their favor.

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Report Uses Pfizer Vaccine Effectiveness Formula To Show How The Jab is Making Recipients Less Immune than the Unvaccinated

Alinsky tells us that we should use their book of rules against them. Make them live up to their own standards. So, how do Pfizer, the media, and the COVID cult feel about using Pfizer’s formula to claim 95% effectiveness to show that it is -150% effective in the long term?

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The UK Backed off Mask Mandates and Now It’s Dropping the Jab Requirement for Health Workers

England, from whom we declared our independence a few centuries back, has taken a leading stance on the matter of individual liberty. Last week the UK dropped enforcement mask mandates and vax passport enforcement. They’ve announced another COVID policy rollback.


Quick Shot: VAERS Surpasses One Million COVID19 Vaxx Reports, Over 21,000 Officially* Killed By The Jab

The Day before Christmas a VAERS update put the number of reported harms from The Jab at one million with over 21,000 confirmed deaths. These are, as always incomplete counts of actual harms and deaths, a number we may never know.

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Who Out There Thought There Would Be an End to the Jabs?

Who out there thought there would be an end to the jabs? If you did, think again. New Zealand says “no endpoint.” Israel says seven shots may be needed. And Pfizer says ‘3 shots for Omnicron’.

Vaccine covid 19 vials

The Jab: Medical Providers are Now on Notice – Share This with Your Doctor. Share This with Everyone.

As Steve noted Sunday, the American Heart Association put out a paper showing that the Jab causes heart inflammation.  This has now appeared in the 71-year old peer-reviewed journal, “Circulation”.  Dr. Vernon Cole reads verbatim from the article’s abstract:

Trojan Horse Original Photo by Tayla Kohler on Unsplash

Pandemic-Vaccine Theater: “The Jabbed are Trojan Horses” Edition

Think about it. Employers, venues, airlines, and others want you to pass a COVID test or provide proof of vaccination to continue life as you knew it. But neither can prove you don’t have COVID if that’s supposed to be the point.

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The Jab: A Rite of Passage

Having shown pictures of my late parents to my kids recently – my father died long before my current marriage and my mother got to hold her first grandchild for less than a year before she passed – I was reminiscing about her and how, for her 50th birthday, my father arranged a grand surprise … Read more

lucy fauci and football

What the Jab Doesn’t Do. What It Can’t Do

Another video making the rounds. This time it’s Dr. Kevin Stillwagon and he would like three minutes of your time to share his thoughts about mask and vaccine efficacy.

Life With Liz logo

Life With Liz – our Open Southern Border, The Jab Discrimination.The American mandate to get Jab vs illegal aliens

Liz talks about her visit to our Southern border. I bring up the hypocrisy of the Biden Admin in forcing Americans to get The Jab but allows illegal aliens to go without.

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The CDC Wants to Use Your Kids To Convince You to Get The Jab™

If ever there was a material representation of the Democrat Parties’ Unity and Civility ‘Let’s all get along’ Narrative, it is their obsession with 100% vaccination. Just Do It. Resistance is futile (The Borg) or Resistance is Useless (The Vogons). In other words our way or no highway.