The Jab and the Inevitable Coming Unpleasantness


So this is a short post.  It is a prediction of what I fear is coming.

As the Jab continues to be pushed despite the enormous evidence about the side effects, harm, damage, and deaths that flow from those needles in the arms, I fear this step by step progression will be inevitable.

  • People will meet at parties and other social events.
  • Talk will, sooner or later, turn to families.
  • Inevitably one person will break the ice and talk about how someone in their family was negatively affected by the Jab.


We Trusted the Science - notice j


  • The ice being broken, others will chime in with their own stories.  With over a million adverse events, others WILL chime in.
  • There will be a dawning awareness of just how many in this conversation group know persons with adverse reactions, whether family, friends, or family of people they know.
  • This will prompt other discussions after this seed crystal over the next weeks; they’ll find even more people within their social circles who have been harmed or know someone who has been.
  • They’ll hop online and find people like Peter McCollough, Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, and myriad others discussing the harms these Jabs do. They’ll doubtless find Robert Kennedy and his book as well.


The Real Anthony Fauci


  • They will start to share information and will discover Big Tech really does censor – social media and even “free” emails.
  • They will then approach lawyers to sue the pharma companies and be told “Sorry, the pharma companies cannot be sued”.
  • They will then approach their elected officials and be told the same thing.
  • They will learn how intertwined pharma and the regulatory agencies really are.  (Note: skim past the carping about ALEC IMHO.)
  • They will do more research and learn about how the pharma companies knew, and knew ahead of time.



Now here’s where I’m predicting very bad things.  Understand, please, I’m not advocating anything or wanting to see anything happen.  I’m merely the Cassandra here.

  • There have been lists online, for months, of Pfizer facilities nationwide. Protests will start there.  They will be ignored or derided as “anti-science” anti-vaxxers.  No meaningful action will result.  Pfizer in Paris was already the scene for protests for example.  And local to me.
  • Physical damage against these sites will start. Molotov cocktails will be the low end; the use of drones as delivery systems is just starting.  Arrests will be made and no context will be given to the actions taken – it’s just “terrorism”.
  • LinkedIn and MeWe and other professional networking sites will be mined for pharma employee names. Myriad databases exist to find home addresses.  I’m not a military guy or spook; if I can think of this, others with more training and background will too.  And doubtless have already.
  • Pharma employees who knew, or should have known, will start to have “3 AM visitations”.  I know several such “worthy” people in our own social circle.
  • Once the first happens, more will happen.  Doctors and pharmacists who, despite all the evidence, continued to ritually drone SAFE AND EFFECTIVE will too.  Hospital execs whose policies denied transplants or even just care to the unJabbed also will.
  • The FedGov-medical-pharma industrial complex will react.
  • Politicians will then be targeted too.



And that’s when IT lights off.  Alas.

I hope I’m wrong.  I fear I’m right.

Hashem help us all.



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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