Report Uses Pfizer Vaccine Effectiveness Formula To Show How The Jab is Making Recipients Less Immune than the Unvaccinated

Alinsky tells us that we should use their book of rules against them. Make them live up to their own standards. So, how do Pfizer, the media, and the COVID cult feel about using Pfizer’s formula to claim 95% effectiveness to show that it is -150% effective in the long term?

Using the UK’s extensive and detailed vaccine surveillance, the Daily Expose plugged that data into Pfizer’s formula. They discovered that boosters might improve some people’s immunity for a few weeks, but at what cost?

Not long after, the immune system not only collapses in response to exposure, recipients become up to 150% more susceptible to infection.


Real-world vaccine effectiveness dropped to the lowest levels yet across all age groups except for the over 70’s between December 6th and January 2nd, but the over 70’s still dropped into negative effectiveness.

The expected further boost to 40 to 69-year-olds did not materialise and instead a huge tumble in vaccine effectiveness was recorded, dropping to -151% in 40-49-yer-olds.

Vaccine effectiveness also tumbled in the 30-39-year-old age group to minus-123%, despite the booster jab being administered to millions in week 49.


Remember, this is based on Pfizer’s formula. The one they used to claim 95% effectiveness. The number every COVID vaccine water-carrier memorized and regurgitated ad infinitum.

The result, using that formula, demonstrates that these injections may be producing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (ADE), which was suspected and reported last August, several months after the initial two-jab rollout, and in more detail here.

The NIH and CDC knew or suspected back in 2020 before The Jab™ was rolled out.

And here we are. Well into the Booster rollout and listening to chatter about Jab number four, which might provide a few weeks of additional protection (against a virus they might be more susceptible to for the rest of their lives).

Not just it, but all of its genetic offspring.

So, yes – the post-Jab spike was a pandemic of the vaccinated. Tens of millions of people who were convinced or made to get it are now immunocompromised by an experimental drug. And if that holds up – as it does using Pfizer’s formula – Life Insurance companies in France won’t be the only ones refusing to pay out death claims.

A matter that could feasible migrate to health insurers who are complicit in the crime alongside the politicians and employers who promoted what amounts to chemical infirmity or even suicide.

Can you imagine your health insurance not covering treatment for something that they encouraged you to get? Or how about those employers who told you Jab or Job?

Any employee that has been forced by their employer to effectively void their life insurance policy may have recourse to sue their employer for compensation.

The US, being more litigious than a trophy wife to an old rich guy, seems like it’s primed for this. Time will tell, but this could become an entire fustercluck to US companies that forced employees to experiment with drugs.

Are taxpayers going to have to pay for that too?

And what about politicians who failed or refused to protect you or your, more specifically, your right to refuse experimental treatments? Your only recourse there may be to punish them politically and reward those who had the sense to question their methods and motivations.

This is not some conspiracy theory. It is real. People who’ve been “vaccinated” are showing an increased risk of infection, including demographics who had little chance of being symptomatic and had nothing to fear from COVID19 before they got the shot.

Sensitive to more than just this particular strain of the virus. The cure for which, I feel certain, will be one more booster.


Correction: A previous version of this post stated that “Tens of millions of people who were convinced or made to get it are now immunocompromised by an experimental drug.” It should read “are now immunocompromised.”

Apologies for the confusing typo.



HT | Daily Expose

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