Haman’s Gallows and Snake Oil

Today is Purim, a gallows-humorous Jewish holiday like Halloween and St Patrick’s Day. Jews often dress in costumes and overimbibe on Purim (see featured image above from Purim 2015).

Haman, a descendant of Amalek, is the bad guy. He is second in command to King Ahasuerus and commands that people bow before him. Mordecai, a Jew, refuses. Haman constructs a gallows impale meant for Mordecai. He also wrote an edict saying that on a particular day in the future, the wider population would be free to murder Jews. King Ahasuerus signs the edict, which means it cannot be revoked.

King Ahasuerus is very proud of his beautiful wife, Queen Vashti.  He wants her to show off her beauty to his friends, but Vashti (my hero) refuses.  The King’s advisors suggest he find another Queen. Persia is searched for beautiful women.  Ahasuerus chooses Esther and falls in love with her.

Mordecai convinces his niece, Queen Esther, to help save her people. She invites Haman to dinner, where the King learns of and understands Haman’s skullduggery. The King also learns that Mordecai saved his life from plotters.

We want to thank Joseph Mirzoeff for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Steve@GraniteGrok.com.
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Haman is impaled on the gallows meant for Mordecai.  A second edict allowed Jews self-defense on the appointed day (2nd amendment).

Haman’s ten sons were killed. The passage where the ten sons were killed is separated from the rest. Only three letters within it are written smaller than the others: tav, shin, and zayin. The gematria of these three is 707, which is used to express the Hebrew year 5707.

Ten Nazi leaders were hanged at Nuremberg in late 1946, Hebrew year 5707.  There was also jail time and heavy fines as a result of the Nuremberg trials for doctors and journalists.

The horror of Nazi medical experimentation during World War II led to the Nuremberg Code, ten ethical standards in medical experiments.  We should have followed this code in our management of the COVID experimental mRNA “vaccines” – we did not.

Many crimes were committed; many millions of deaths were caused worldwide by the “vaccine.”  The five sectors most responsible were 1) public health/medicine, 2) journalism/mainstream media, 3) government, 4) education/academia, and 5) BigTech (Google, Facebook, and pre-Musk Twitter).

Our 50 Attorneys General are lazy or incompetent. Trump and Biden are both in BigPharma’s pocket. Prosecute Dr. Fauci!

Please read “The economic crisis we face” at tobyrogers.substack.com


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