
A Sneak Peek At What Marcy Kelley May Have Invited Upon Bow Taxpayers

The Bow-Dunbarton School district has a liberal privilege problem. For the unfamiliar, Liberal Privilege is a lot like radical Islam. If you are advancing the global Ummah, no traditional rules or restrictions apply. You can be a sacrilegious ass and still be rewarded with eternal life, 72 virgins, and all that. Here are a few … Read more

soccer ball original Photo by Connor Coyne on Unsplash

NH Girls Soccer: Sexual Predators Welcome

What have we learned over the last month about girls’ soccer in New Hampshire? In Bow, we learned that if a parent wears a pink wristband with XX on it to a girls’ soccer game, they will be issued a trespass order. In Kearsarge, we learned that if a parent is a child sexual predator attending the … Read more

As Predicted: School Gets Sued for Banning Parents Wearing Pink Wristbands

The petty tyrants in the Bow-Dunbarton School district are, as predicted, getting sued. But it’s even better than I imagined. The suit names a handful of entitled pricks from the peace officer sworn to protect and defend the Constitution who stood ready to arrest them (Lieutenant Phil Lamy) to the Superintendent (Marcy Kelley) and School … Read more

NH Superintendents: PORN for KIDS YES, Wristbands for Adults NO

This is a reminder that Superintendents throughout New Hampshire are not willing to remove pornographic books from the school library. However, in Bow, their Superintendent is willing to stop a parent from wearing a wristband with XX written on it. This is the state of public education in New Hampshire. If you are not familiar … Read more

pride flag

Pride Flags YES, Pink Armbands NO

This week we learned that the KGB running the BOW school district clamped down on a parent’s right to exercise free speech. A few paarents in the Bow school district decided to wear pink wrist bands at their daughters’ soccer game in support of female only sports teams. In this case, the Bow girls soccer … Read more

Jackboots and Injustice in Bow

Bow-Dunbarton School Superintendent Ms. Marcy Kelley, fresh off polishing her jackboots on the reputation of one local dad who supports girls’ sports, has taken down another. Kyle Fellers got “the letter” with the School Administrative unit letterhead telling him, in essence, he’s not the sort of person they want around. He’s been banned from all … Read more

Bow’s SAU67 KGB

In an effort to exercise his free speech, Anthony Foote, who resides in Bow, New Hampshire, decided to wear a pink wristband with XX written on it to his daughter’s soccer game. Der Führer – in charge of the Bow School District – decided that she would have none of that. Instead, “Superintendent of Schools … Read more

Embattled School District’s ‘Rules’ Set it Up to Get Sued Some More

Thanks to petty despot (DBA: Superintendent Marcy Kelly), the Bow-Dunbarton School District is known worldwide. Kelley violated the constitutional rights of some parents, who have since sued her and others, and the district that employs her is scrambling to mitigate the damage. [I believe there is a court hearing today at 2:30]. As most of … Read more