Seattle’s “Win” in the Fight for 15 is Costing Jobs, Hours, and lowering Paychecks

God, I love being right especially after watching progressive narrative monkey’s puke their Union/Democrat party minimum-wage-talking-points all over my comments section. Being right is the best. And when it comes to Seattle, right comes easy. This week’s Poster Child for Stupid Liberal ideas we told you would not work, is last weeks. Seattle. Seattle’s minimum-wage law is boosting … Read more

Fight for 15 will Cost 500 Minimum Wage Workers at UC Berkeley Their Jobs

Nothing proves the Right ‘right’ like Liberals getting ‘their way.’ The $15 minimum wage hike in California has sent financially troubled UC Berkeley into decision making mode, and “the people who clean buildings, who work in food services or health clinics,” says Todd Stenhouse, will be the ones without a job. According to the article UC Berkeley has … Read more

Fight for 15 Driving Garment Makers and Jobs Out of California

US garment manufacturers operating on low margins to compete for wholesale or retail clients can’t operate in California if they have to pay all their employees $15.00/hour. To stay in business, they will have to move manufacturing out of the state or more likely out of the country. Last week American Apparel, the biggest clothing … Read more

Fight for 15 Still not About Wages. Not Exactly

California is at the forefront of government interfering with the value of labor. The Fight for 15 campaign, lead primarily by unions, has succeeded in pushing up wages for some but not because anyone really cares about wages. Unionized hotel employees, as but one example, don’t get the hike — but non-union hotel employees do. Owners of … Read more

“Fight for $15” is about to prove what the real minimum wage is

We’ve all been blogging about the effort, spearheaded by a lot of folks who don’t believe someone’s money actually belongs to those that earned it, to organize the fast food industry to a minimum wage of $15/hour for flipping burgers.  Far above the economic worth of that actual job and believing that there would be … Read more

Trump mug shot

Night Cap: Fight Back … Or Just Shut Up

Memorandum regarding Trump “conviction.” Either fight back or shut up. Enough with the “double standard,” “hypocrisy,” “eroding confidence in rule of law,” blah, blah, blah rhetoric that the Left just laughs at. Fight back or shut up and go away.

Tank war

Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’

President Joe Biden announced last week that the United States would be funding – and possibly fighting – three wars in three different parts of the world at the same time. It is an ambitious foreign policy for a president who doesn’t even seem to be able to express a coherent thought without the help … Read more