Happy New Year 2018 – hardest hit is the Socialist union known as SEIU and the Fight for $15 union organizers

by Skip

SEIU Fight for 15


Do you notice the irony of a giant tax cut motivating big companies to institute a $15/hour minimum wage for their workers? Could we at least get an “Amen!” from the Fight for 15 people?

Remember a while ago that agitators from various unions, especially the SEIU, were flogging and picketing fast food chains like McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Burger King, especially in bigger cities?  They wanted the employees to step out of their stores and demand far more than what they were worth at the time.  Led by union organizers from the SEUI (who could have cared less about their future members – they spent millions in trying to acquire millions of new dues paying members), they made it a national news story.  While the cameras were out front, the unions were getting their faces into their Democrat elected officials to get their economic demands codified into law – notably in California and New York (who knew?) with the expected results now that the minimum wages are skyrocketing. So I have to laugh – Trump has screwed them all over.  Instead of having to use Govt to FORCE a rise in the minimum wage to $15/hour, Trump’s tax reform had medium and large corporations making announcements that they were VOLUNTARILY raising their minimum wages! Hilarious!  Imagine that – making it possible for businesses to keep their own money is allowing them to raise their employees’ wages (and I bet, in no small amount, the increasing tighter labor marketplace that is fostering competition for employees). The unions spent MILLIONS to get their PR and some legislation – and got diddly-squat for real results.  Here comes Trump and the Republicans and companies are going to $15 for FREE (and none of it to the SEIU or other rent-seeking unions).

Trickle down economics instead for union muscle?  Which would you prefer – voluntary or forced/govt rent-seeking?

We put a few of the announcements up already in a string of posts that Steve and I did but here are some of the relevant ones (again):

  • Wells-Fargo will  go to $15 minimum wage
  • Fifth-Third Bancorp will go to a $15 minimum wage hike
  • Associated Bank in Wisconsin boosted its minimum hourly wage to $15
  • Washington Federal in Seattle will increase wages for most of its workers by 5 percent
  • Aquesta Financial Holdings in Cornelius, N.C., will raise hourly pay to $15
  • Associated Bank said Thursday it will boost its minimum hourly wage to $15
  • Central Pacific Bank has become the fourth local financial institution to announce it will give holiday bonuses to employees and will be increasing its starting pay rate to $15.25 an hour from $12 an hour starting Jan. 1
  • BB&T Corp will raise its minimum hourly wage to $15 from $12 on Jan. 1

Now, I understand all of the above are large banks – I have no idea why only those were being listed over at National Review for minimum wage increases (they also have posts with a plethora of companies giving out additional bonuses based on the tax reform passage).

Sidenote – this fits the Fight for $15 movement:

DSA Fight for 15

No, America doesn’t need a higher minimum wage.  It does need an economic environment in which wages would grow naturally instead of, as all Socialists want, the heavy hand of Government top-down directing where someone’s money needs to go.

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