Berlin NH SAU 3 website

SAU 3 Berlin – Well, Shining a Big Flashlight Actually Works!

In the previous post of this series, SAU 3 Berlin – Trying To Mollify Me That A Card Catalog Isn’t What I Know It To Be (Parsing, Much Parsing), I ended my email to SAU 3’s hired lawyer, Barbara Loughman this way: Right now, you are needlessly spending valuable taxpayer money in stalling for time … Read more

Berlin NH SAU 3 website

SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK. Pushback.

Well, I did make a request for the card catalog for SAU3/Berlin, NH – a single entity that describes the books/other materials that are considered to be the “library collection” (“SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK“). Sidenote: when dealing with a School District, always, ALWAYS first deal with the School Board members.  THEY … Read more

Berlin NH SAU 3 website

SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK

Well, the elections are over, mostly (recounts here in NH this week and this bastardization of Election Day by the Democrats just seems interminable with “oh, another box of mailed-in ballots has just been “found”), so it is time to get back to work, mostly.

Berlin NH Mayor Names Victim of Woodburn Domestic Violence – It’s Not Who You Think

“This is disgraceful what’s happening,” Grenier said. “It was sealed at the request of the so-called victim and the real victim here is Sen. Woodburn.” – Democrat Paul Grenier: Mayor, Berlin NH Typically, when the professional Left is after a name, a donor or donor list, for example, it’s so they can intimidate them, pillory them, … Read more

Oberlin Follows Mizzou and Evergreen – Enrollment Drops, Financial Woes

Oberlin College is at the forefront of social justice outrage hoaxes but until recently had not reported any real-world consequences. See what I did there? Real world? Mizzou went full-stupid with their fake outrage which cost them, and cost them and cost them, and then cost them some more. Evergreen took it to another level, and now they … Read more

Snowflakes at Oberlin Offended By Lack of Fried Chicken

The New York Post Headline put it this way. “Students at Lena Dunham’s college offended by lack of fried chicken.” Students at an ultra-liberal Ohio college are in an uproar over the fried chicken, sushi and Vietnamese sandwiches served in the school cafeterias, complaining the dishes are “insensitive” and “culturally inappropriate.” Gastronomically correct students at … Read more

Berlin NH Cops Want a ‘Batmobile’ but This Isn’t Gotham City

Berlin, New Hampshire has approved the filing of a grant application for $277,534 ish dollars of someone else’s money.  The plunder is for a Bearcat armored assault vehicle. They have not approved the purchase yet but oh yeah, the ‘boys’ want their own Batmobile. But what will the tourists think? Remember when we had to … Read more

Say Hi To OFA Ballot Box Stuffer Daniel Barluschke- Yell Loud He’s From Berlin….Germany

I‘ve mentioned Mr. Barluschke a few times this past week, in association with other members in the New Hampshire Democrat Parties OFA Brigade of Ballot-Box Stuffing transients. Daniel is an OFA yo-yo (shows up-voted-leaves- shows-up…) who in 2012 ran house parties, but in 2008 he pretended to live with NH Democrat–and then candidate for the … Read more

Google Bombing Brett Kimberlin, aka “Velvet Revolution”

Mike has been doing yeoman’s work on keeping up on the Brett Kimberlin story (the “Speedway Bomber” that has been using his non-profits and Internet henchmen / minions to slag and harrass Conservative bloggers (like ‘Grok friend Stacy McCain and RedState’s Erik Erickson) to the point of driving them out of their houses, causing them … Read more

Brett Kimberlin is a….

At GraniteGrok lately, we’ve been talking a lot about Brett Kimberlin lately HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. He’s the guy over on the left, a convicted felon who now is out of prison and threatening various high-profile national bloggers. For a little background, see the short video about this character HERE. He’s becoming better and better … Read more