New Emails Reveal Benghazi Was Never About A Video

And Hillary and the then Democrats Presidential candidate knew it. Standing in front of four flag draped coffins holding the murdered Americans she and her president abandoned, she told the families and the American people: “We’ve seen the heavy assaults on our posts in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men.  We’ve seen … Read more

Benghazi – All about “the video”? Or is this all about covering up Obama’s “Mission Accomplished” moment?

…which ended up not supporting 4 Americans that ended up being murdered? And not only by our government, but by the so called Press that are supposed to, in their own words, “afflict the comfortable”?  The info-nuggets are starting to spill out – it wasn’t about the video.  The Big Problem, is the absolute craven … Read more

Benghazi You Tube Video Takes Out….Jay Carney?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is missing.  He may have been taken out by a You Tube Video. I’m not sure if it’s this one, or one like it, but it probably has something to do with “Ambassador Died – Obama Lied.”  Ever since the truth started leaking out, the regimes press-puppet has gotten … Read more

HilLIARy doubles down on Benghazi b.s.

  In an interview with Fox News, Hillary Clinton actually stood by lying liar Susan Rice’s comments regarding the (known immediately) terrorist attack on Benghazi occurring over a youtube video.  The woman is clearly mentally incapacitated and not due to drugs but due to being a Democrat with no conscience. Video c/o   Watch the … Read more

The Lies of Benghazi

Benghazi was a cluster and Obama should have paid a political price for it, but the media never pressed it and he never had to suffer.  But four people died, and the entire affair is a poster child for this administration; rule one–how do we spin this so we don’t look bad? As to the … Read more

GrokTALK! 3/22/14 w/Kerpen, Milanesi, and ‘DaTechGuy’ – the video

Well, perhaps not all that much going on in studio this week as our three guests were via phone.  But nonetheless, we do, we show, for you.  And if you want to just listen or download, Steve has the audio for you here. Pre-Show (short) Segment 1 – 4 after the jump:

But What If She Had Said It Was Because Of A YouTube Video?

DC The Rutgers University faculty council has passed a resolution calling for the school to rescind Condoleezza Rice’s invitation to speak at commencement. The former secretary of state drew the ire of the school’s professors for her “prominent role in [the Bush] administration’s efforts to mislead the American people about the presence of weapons of … Read more

GrokTALK! for 8/3/13 – The videos

Once again, we had the GrokCam rolling for your viewing pleasure! Segment 1:  Groksters Steve, Mike and Skip talk Obamacare, Government kills a Bambi named “Giggles, Big Govt Nannies:”we won’t stop until you do EXACTLY what we want you to do”……Ed Naile, CNHT Chair, comes in to talk about Voter Fraud. Segment 2:  Groksters Steve, … Read more

Benghazi and the depravity of our leadership

I blogged recently about the Benghazi disaster, about Mark Steyn’s column, and what was said about the column at Cold Fury. I want to re-emphasize it now: We have elected these people to positions of national leadership. Obama twice. Here’s Steyn, from his column, “The Benghazi Lie”:

White House Changes To Benghazi Talking Points Revealed

Compiled from emails exchanged between the White House, State, and other Federal entities, The Weekly Standard reports on details compiled and released that show what the White House knew, when they knew it, and what they ended up saying.  (Image of talking points before and after on the jump). Synopsis? The first, at 4:05 p.m. … Read more

On Wednesday November 7th Can We Blame A Video…

Ten days of blaming a YouTube video for the coordinated al Qaeda terrorist attack that resulted in four dead Americans in Benghazi Libya may yet turn out to be true.  That video, or more precisely the White House cover-up, might well be the last straw that tips a significant number of voters away from Obama, … Read more

Benghazi-gate reveals the Clintons we all remember…

With their defense team assembled, the Clinton offensive begins. Of course this was prefigured by several Clinton observers (including fellow Groker Steve) because taking a political fall, whether they’re actually responsible for it or not, is anathema to their biology.  That’s like asking Michael Moore to leave some Doritos in the bag. Or like asking … Read more

The obligatory “Biden – the 85 interruptions” video

Yeah, I thought it was 82 but here is video: Since the debate it is clear that there are two camps of different minds: Biden played to the Dem base – who have applauded much for “giving it to the Evil choir boy” Ryan played it cool, calm, and collected. The insta-polls right after the … Read more

BlogQuestion of the Day: When did he know it?

Question: Did Obama administration know such depots existed, concealing that knowledge to avoid admitting Putin played BHO like a violin? — Walter Russell Mead (@wrmead) April 7, 2017 We’re only 3 months into the Trump Administration; it is dubious that the knowledge of Sarin gas would have discovered since his inauguration.  How do I … Read more