GrokTALK! March 22nd, 2014 Segment Three – Benghazi Still Happened

GrokTALK! PodcastingIn segment Three Lou Milanesi joins us for an update on Benghazi, the Benghazi vigils, how the NH house voted on a recent Benghazi resolution, and how you can learn more and help shine the light on this cover-up.

Listen to Lou Milanesi’s interview Here

Listen or Download Segment Three Here

Prefer Video – See Segment Three here!

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Individual segments are now available throughout the week on iTunes, TuneIn, and Stitcher.

GrokTALK! March 22nd, 2014 Segment Three – Benghazi Still Happened

In segment Three Lou Milanesi joins us for an update on Benghazi, the Benghazi vigils, how the NH house voted on a recent Benghazi resolution, and how you can learn more and help shine the light on this cover-up.

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