If Dems Need Permission to Talk About That … So, Will You

Steve MacDonald

There were many ‘casualties’ after the Wu Han Flu over the cuckoo’s nest (do you think the socials will break that bit of code?), not the least of which were First Amendment Rights enumerated as natural and inviolable in the US Constitution. Association and assembly under the bus, followed by any opinions, messaging, evidence, precedent, or science that suggested that what the government was peddling was complete and utter bullshit.

Lying is one of the few things the government does well, more so or more effectively the greater its power and propensity for a jack-booted police-state response to whatever thou hath done or said rustle its totalitarian jimmies and a captured media to provide air cover. The latter is long a given, the former a work in progress, and as my rag line reminds us, tyranny never sleeps, so neither shall we.

And tyranny has the easier onramp. greased by political paradigms on the political left, one of which I wrote about here, on Friday that opens as follows.

Just about everyone inside a Democrat-Majority captured industry or occupation is anywhere from reluctant to terrified to cross the party line. People done wrong by members of the political left who cross that line get destroyed by their own. This is not a theory but a fact. You may not leave the plantation unless kicked out, and that act follows some mortal sin against the approved narrative or its keepers.

Just one day later, I was reminded of something that informs the problem of how Democrats treat each other (with regard to approved speech) when Jeff Childrers quoted the New York Times. It was an historical artefact from the Obama years. Something called ‘permission structures.’ The necessary space for Democrats to talk publicly about what was previously unsayable.

The reference cited was Biden’s long-running incapacitation, observable for years but verboten until his handlers deliberately hung him out to dry to facilitate a transition to anyone but Biden. Some popular progressive podcast was credited (by The Times) with being the child who announced that the king wasn’t wearing any clothes. The finger, removed from the dyke, created the permission structure that allowed everyone to admit to what we’d all known, but Democrats were forbidden to discuss.

That’s far-fetched, given what we know of totalitarian itches and a compliant media eager to scratch. I think everyone knew but Joe and Jill Biden. The conductor of this requiem for a befuddled soon-to-be-former president might have been the many-faced god from Game of Thrones or the Obamas, not that there’s a distinction with a difference. Watching Harris and Walz two-step around who they are, misdirect blame, and disguise who they are is just a reflection of their party and its candidates outside their protected progressive ghettoes. Places where you are not allowed to talk about things unless someone had created a lane of their design to control the conversation.

It makes the best possible case and affirms what I wrote on my Substack.

nothing Democratic about an apparatus that destroys its own for daring to have a different opinion and then speak it in public. Still, it does inform the reporting that shows the government leveraging its power to encourage censorship in the private sector. It reinforces repeated efforts by successive Democrat presidents to institute truth squads and disinformation ministries to control what information people see and hear. Then there is the cabal of industrial complexes that justify censorship as controlling disinformation and misinformation. And they are all members of the Democrat party – or beneficiaries of it – and fit the profile in paragraph one.

Their lives and livelihood are a product of a captured occupation, organization, or industry, and daring to speak any truth but the one approved by the narrative mills could end careers or even their lives (Seth Rich, Jeffry Epstein, a lot of people who knew the Clintons – and so on).

Lies must be protected and defended (at least) until their effect no longer threatens the accumulation of power. Hunter Biden’s Laptop. Very Fine People. The Steel Dossier. Almost everything that comes from Hillary Clinton’s or Rachel Maddow’s mouth, and so on, and now Tim Walz.

From the censorship industrial complex exposed in the Twitter Files to repeated attempts at formal information ministries or deliberate speech suppression, to community notes, and Facebook flagging content as spam because it has links in it to things Democrats do not have permission to see. This is the world that follows in the wake of another Democrat presidency. It will apply to all of us the rules that exist for them now.

You can’t talk about that unless and until they allow it and only then in the lanes they provide. Lifelong Democrats who step outside those lines get destroyed by their own party so what do you think they have planned for you?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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