ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer: Burn Books, Throw People out of Protests

The ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer Palana Belken is furious that JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, is standing up for the truth that men can’t be women and women can’t be men. He is so furious that he removed all his Harry Potter books from his bookshelf and threatens to burn them.

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Palana also threatened to have JK Rowling thrown out of a protest, if he encountered her at one. Since the ACLU-NH is big on protecting the right to protest, I find it curious he would take that stance. I would think his co-workers would be the first ones to come to the aid of anyone who was denied the right to protest. However, one of his ACLU-NH co-workers, Emily Kilheeney, liked Palana’s tweet threatening JK Rowling while she also tweeted about the right to protest. My head was spinning after scrolling through both their tweets.

Palana is the same person that was furious at me for taking his picture while he was in the NH Legislative Office Building working as a lobbyist for the ACLU-NH. He is only for civil rights if those rights are used in a way that he approves, otherwise he is dead set against them. George Orwell would be proud. The ACLU-NH should be deeply embarrassed.

Palana Belken threatens to burn Harry Potter booksPalana Belken threatens JK Rowling

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