Another NH Trans Rights Activist Loses His Lobbying Job After Behaving Badly

In May, Dominic Osmund, a paid lobbyist for 350NH, harassed me as I was handing out flyers in the NH State House to state reps, asking them to support a parental rights bill.

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ACLU Banned Books Tote Pag

How Quaint – ACLU Claims to Be for Freedom of Speech … But Won’t Prove It

I recently received an email from ACLU offering me a code to purchase items at a discount from their online store. When I visited the ACLU store, I discovered an I Read Banned Books Tote listed for sale with the description, “For nearly 100 years, we have opposed censorship in all its forms.” I thought, “how quaint” since the ACLU has switched sides on the issue of censorship.

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ACLU Lawyer Wants to Suppress Free Speech

On November 7, Abigail Shrier wrote about how activists are trying to cancel her book “Irreversible Damage.” Shrier’s book is about how girls in large numbers, suffering what has been called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), are becoming victims of social pressure to identify as boys and many are permanently damaging their bodies with testosterone and double mastectomies.

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Palana Belken

Book-Burning ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer Axed

Yesterday, Palana Belken, the Trans Justice Organizer for ACLU-NH, sent an email announcing his departure from the organization. I suspected something was up when he tweeted in August that he was looking for work.

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Palana Belken Book Burning

ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer Burns Books to Celebrate Candidate’s Birthday

The ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer Palana Belken followed through on his threat to burn his Harry Potter books to get even with JK Rowling for standing up for women’s rights against those, like Palana, that claim men can be women and enjoy all the same rights as women.

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Palana Belken

ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer: Burn Books, Throw People out of Protests

The ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer Palana Belken is furious that JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, is standing up for the truth that men can’t be women and women can’t be men. He is so furious that he removed all his Harry Potter books from his bookshelf and threatens to burn them.

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Males don't belong in girls sports

They’re Not “Transgender Female Athletes.” They’re Men.

Liberals know that if they can control our words, then they can control our thoughts. Transgender ideologues have studied Orwell, and have done their homework so well that today few people could even tell you what a girl is.

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