The Left’s Evolution of Intolerance on Marriage

A few years back, the Democrat majority New Hampshire legislature strong-armed its caucus into passing “gay marriage.” No, it did not have the votes on the first pass. It failed. A few people took the day, a few flipped, and we were told no one was going to make churches perform them.

Religious liberty was not at risk. They even put it in the law.

 457:37 Affirmation of Freedom of Religion in Marriage. –
Each religious organization, association, or society has exclusive control over its own religious doctrine, policy, teachings, and beliefs regarding who may marry within their faith.

Okay, that looks nice, but we still did not believe them and labeled it incrementalism alongside everything else the left does and claims. Tim Gill, the Gay Lobby mega-donor, promised us we were right a few years later when he said, “We’re going to punish the wicked.”

He meant any and every church that would not embrace their worldview is wicked.

And this past week, one of the Democrat Party Presidential hopefuls is calling for a federal prohibition on non-profit status for any religious institution that does not accept “gay marriage.” 

“There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break, for anyone or any institution, any organization in America that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us,” O’Rourke said. “And so, as president, we’re going to make that a priority, and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the human rights of our fellow Americans.”

Have you cleared this with the local Imam’s Herr Beto? Let’s pretend that it doesn’t matter (humor, hah!). A Democrat candidate running for president is promising to revoke the federal tax-exempt status of all religious groups who refuse to recognize homosexual marriage.

Not just the ceremonies but a mere discussion. Skip covered it yesterday. If your faith objects to marriage in any form outside one man, one woman, we mark you with a scarlet letter! (Look for a new page on the SPLC website!)

The mob will arrive shortly, and no tax break for you. 

So, why not bigamy or polygamy? Why not child marriages (adult/child or child/child same-sex or different). The normalization of pedophilia is on the list. It has had its own lobby for years. The destruction of the institution of marriage has been on the list as well. Except that they’ve been making great strides in making it meaningless. Beto is just taking the next step.

Meanwhile, back in New Hampshire, we have Democrats who voted for gay marriage with the understanding that religious liberty would be protected. Each religious organization, association, or society has exclusive control over its own religious doctrine, policy, teachings, and beliefs regarding who may marry within their faith.

What about it? Were New Hampshire Democrats serious about protecting religious liberty? Will they, especially at the Federal Level, oppose any such move? Will they stand athwart left-wing rhetoric yelling stop! We may not agree, but religious liberty is protected in the Granite State, and we will not allow this?

Ask every Democrat or independent or undecided voter. Ask the Imams at the local Mosques. Pastors and Priests. Would you vote for Democrats who refuse to stand against this?

Then ask, how long before the government uses the IRS or some other agency to infringe on some other right like your speech or free press? If they are not sure, remind them that this is already underway. Preferred pronouns. Your inability to object to men in women’s bathrooms or locker rooms. ObamaCare used the IRS to infringe on religious liberty.

And since you’ve already let them get away with all of that, why stop them from taking more or at what point will you realize that they are coming after your rights as well and have no intention of stopping there?

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