From the Democrat Socialists of America: We are working like crazy…………………..Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC: oh, really?


Bumped:  We getting ready to saddle up and head downrange to Dover for the event: BE THERE!


From the Democratic Socialists of America in the language of Occupy Wall Street:

The 99% Spring Offensive is coming. Will you be there?

Groups from every corner of the progressive movement – inspired by the everyday heroes of Occupy Wall Street and Madison, Wisconsin – are planning a massive campaign of bold nonviolent direct actions to explain who REALLY brought on the Great Recession, and make the voices of the 99% impossible to ignore.

Their stated aims are aligned with Obama – the total transformation of the United States of America (where one goal is that Government, not Citizens, are in control).  And they are energized and working hard at doing just that.  Well, there is one group here in NH that is saying “Over our dead bodies!” – The Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC!  Jerry Delemus, who took over the PAC (in addition to his shepherding of the Rochester (NH) 9/12 Project) as Chair when Jack Kimball decided to run for NH Governor, has returned those reins to Jack Kimball.  And at a meeting of the GSPLPAC last night, Jack made it clear that the group is regrouping and come out fast and furious:

Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC logo

The Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC

sponsors a


Tea Party

Saturday, April 21

2-4 p.m.

Guppey Park

168 Portland Ave. (Rt. 4), Dover

ALL Patriots, Liberty Groups, 912 Groups,

And Tea Parties are invited to participate

For additional information

The ‘Grok will be there to cover the event – see you there!

Updated: a message from Jack Kimball, Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC Chair

Hi Patriots,

We are watching the systematic dismantling of our great Republic right before our eyes.  Barak Obama is continuing with his mission to “fundamentally change” America into a European Socialist style country.   This man firmly believes in the Welfare State which is why there are over 47 million people currently on food stamps and why he orchestrated the passing of Obamacare against the will of the people.  He believes that Big Government has all the answers.  He has been running our government using self-appointed Czars who work outside of our elected officials; and he has no problem circumventing Congress with the use of Executive orders, should Congress not agree with him.  He is aware that in order to succeed with his plan he must bring the USA to its knees.  Thus, we have an unsustainable deficit of over 16 trillion dollars and counting, add to that an additional 40,000 new oppressive regulations that will destroy businesses as well as many individuals.  His attack of business is unprecedented.  He attacks the job creators and rewards failure with his numerous bailouts.  He has also been at the forefront of creating class warfare in our Country.  He knows that a country divided cannot survive, and he is making every effort to insure that the divisiveness continues to grow.  As proof, one only needs to look at his support of OWS and their 99% vs. 1% mentality.

Obama also believes that the USA is too strong.  Thus, he is gutting our Military with huge cuts in the Pentagon budget.  He is also planning to cut our nuclear arsenal by 80% on a unilateral basis.  All this, at a time when the world has become a much more dangerous place.  If anything, we need to strengthen our Military and do it quickly.

Lastly, Obama continues to apologize for America and, all too often, we find him turning his back on our friends.  Clearly, America’s image has been greatly damaged by him.

Well, it’s time to do something about this scourge.  In the last several months I have been asked countless times, “Where is the Tea Party;” and my response has been, “We are here, and we are directly involved with taking back our Republic.”  Some of us ran for Local, State, or Federal office, and many of those folks got elected.  Others decided to actively support those candidates by becoming their foot soldiers, and still others got onboard some of the Presidential campaigns.  That’s what we have been doing.

Now it’s time to get back out and become visible.  Now it’s time to let our State and Country know that we are a force to be reckoned with and that we intend to lead the way in taking back our great Republic.  We are the Patriots of our time and we will not be the generation to lose what those who came before us have fought to preserve.  No sir, we intend to FIGHT!  I am asking you to join me in that fight.  We need thousands of Patriots right now.  You can begin this journey by signing up at the Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC website.  Go to  You can also come to our huge event on April 21st.  It’s titled “Jack’s Back” with the Save-Our-Republic Tea Party.  It will take place on Saturday, April 21, at Guppy Park, Portland Ave., Dover, NH from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.  The details are on the attached flier.  Don’t miss it.  There is very little time left before the November election.  Let’s send Obama packing!!!  Are you with me?

Please send this message and flier to everyone you know.  We need “all hands on deck” for this one.


Jack Kimball
Chairman, Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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