Both President Obama (D-Chicago) and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) have not problem in throwing the Constitution under the bus.

by Skip

The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works — whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.”
– President Barack Obama, Inauguration, 1/20/09

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That would be the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for the clueless (or graduates of the Government school system).  Alternative titles:

  • “Both President Obama and Senator Jeanne Shaheen both agree with only half of “The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen”.

Obvious, both of them believe that Government is not big enough!

Jeanne Shaheen Wicked WitchWe have certainly seen lately that Shaheen decided to shred the idea of Federalism when she used the force of The Feds to override the NH elected Executive Councilors in funding Planned Parenthood.  And now, it seems, she not only has joined and gone all in with Obama with his assault on religious Liberty (Liberty – you know, the foundational philosophy of our country in all things personal, economic, and religious?).  It seems that as well sneering at the five Republicans on the Exec Council (“Look at me, you puny people – *I* can use the force of Bigger Government to tell NH how it will be run!”), she’s also been in forefront of getting Obama to throw Catholics onto the tracks as the Progressive train runs the US away from the idea of individual Liberty to that vaunted goal of

we’re all in this together – whether or not you want to!

Ah yes, the Regressive Borg!  In this case, via Obamacare, we have the Health and Human Service Secretary’s mandate that all forms of contraception (including sterilization and abortifacients that are anathema to not only the Catholic Church, but many other religious organizations as well).  And given that the religious exemption was so narrowly defined (essentially, only actual churches with the priests / ministers / rabbis / <other leader> and the staff in that work in that building are covered; any other outreach organizations run by those churches (e.g., soup kitchens, homeless shelters, schools, hospitals, and any other missions to the poor and needy would not be covered).

So, did Jeanne Shaheen stand up for these little guys (in comparison to Big Government)?  Did she stand up for the highest value in America, that of Individual Liberty?  Er, no:

 In the fall, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and other Democratic senators pressured Daley on a conference call, demanding that Obama support the policy, according to a staffer briefed on the interaction.

“It was an effort by a number of us in the Senate to express our belief about the importance of making sure that all women had access to contraceptives,” Shaheen said in an interview.

To me, “access” means that they can purchase it if they wish; that puts no burden on me or anyone else to provide it.  But tell me, when did Progressives decide that they had the right to redefine “access” for the rest of us so that it means “and everyone has to pay for it?”  Even if it is against our moral precepts?

At an otherwise friendly closed-door meeting Wednesday with fellow Senate Democrats, Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) — the sponsor of the amendment that precipitated the policy — confronted Obama campaign manager Jim Messina.

“Why aren’t we messaging this better?” Mikulski asked, according to a person in attendance. Her views were echoed by several others — and Messina responded by saying the campaign is mobilizing to deal with it.

Oath to the Constitution?  Fealty to Individual Liberty and Freedom?  Respecting the philosophy that each person should be left alone to be able to think for themselves and make their own decisions on how their lives should go and achieve their own sense of Happiness?  No -it is merely “messaging”; how can we word this such that the gradumakids of the Government systems who have been only 1/2 taught their real heritage will miss that Shaheen is trying to get the rest of us to believe that Government coercion for Contraception is a higher principle than the Constitution.

It shows that Jeanne Shaheen is an extremist in that she believes she knows better and that she has no  problem with Government granting “rights” to her special interest group, the extremist Abortionists and Feminists.  Instead of carrying her oath out in a principled manner, she sidles up to Obama and stands firmly in the camp of FDR’s past of “The Constitution mandates we give you all free stuff”.  Or alternatively, she nods approvingly to the idea that we will govern such that we will force other people to pay for your fee stuff (or at least those racist homophobes that are terrorist anti-government that have that old black Holy book and guns strapped to every toe that think that old piece of paper those old white slave owners wrote that they love so much).

So in essence, when you REALLY boil this down, this has NOTHING to do with a Catholic organization, it is not about contraception – it is about trashing the Constitution. It is trying to replace its values and regress back to a time before our Founding to where Government had wards and subjects and not, as our founders wanted, sovereign citizens that had a Government.

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