Jeanne Shaheen’s Sticky Situation

Maple SyrupIn the "stupid things said by former governors of New Hampshire who have become US Senator’s category," Jeanne Shaheen (Greene Shaheen) dominates.  As another hack of the environmental movement she has said some incredibly stupid things and intimated plenty of others, forever making us proud.

She blamed George Bush for brush fires in California. (It was left wing pro-green forestry policy)  She has opined on the threat of declining snowfall and its negative affects on New Hampshire’s tourism industry.  You may have noticed–snowfall is not a problem either. And then there’s Maple Syrup production which I suspect is both a jobs and tourism problem.

Jeanne warned us of these risks on her 2008 Senate campaign site, a quote you wont find anymore because it has all been scrubbed…

Reversing global warming is an economic, environmental and health imperative for New Hampshire. If we don’t act to reverse global warming, New Hampshire’s snow season is projected to shrink by almost 50 percent by mid-century, severely impacting our skiing and snowmobile industries. Increasing temperatures also will negatively impact fall foliage tourism, the hunting and fishing industries, and maple sugar production

So has repeating the leftist dogma put former governor Shaheen in another sticky situation? You bet. According to yesterdays Union Leader Maple syrup production in 2011 hit a 76 year high, thanks to one of the best years for tapping since the 1920’s.

The perfect combination of mild days and frosty nights in key harvesting areas this winter and spring touched off a near record-breaking flow of the rich, tasty sap, Hernan Ortiz, statistician with the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, said on Friday.

It’s not just key areas.  Locals who tap as a hobby have more sap than they know what to do with. And if global warming is to blame they’d like a second helping please.  Don’t forget to pass the Michelle Obama approved, government regulated, no-fat, high fiber (complete with 8 servings of fruits and vegetables) tasteless, orderless spread please. (Brand name: "It used to be Butter!")

So we got us a sap bonanza and it is not just in the woods of New England.

But fret not hooligan democrats.  There has been a significant man-made impact that represents a growing threat to tourism and our local economy…It is Barack Obama and the Democrat party.  Their policies represent the greatest threat to long term prosperity in decades.

Makes you wonder how much longer it will take the rest of America to realize that the real problem is nor Anthropogenic Global Warming, it is Anthropogenic Socialist Stooges. (Yes, that’s A.S.S.)


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