So, let’s see how NH State Rep Jan Schmidt (D-Nashua) voted on a number of bills this year

I’ll be putting up all of the Nashua State Reps but seeing that Jan Schmidt is trying to pull out all the stops in getting us Silenced, well, time for her constituents see how she voted (emphasis mine): RIDICULOUS votes by your State Reps, through June 27: FOR banning plastic straws. (HB558) FOR banning plastic … Read more

JROTC Air rifle competitors

Nashua BOE Votes to Approve JROTC Marksmanship Training

This appears to be a big win for Board members Doris Hohensee and Howard Coffman. The Nashua Board of Education has voted unanimously to approve a School Sponsored JROTC Marksmanship program.


Ask Gov. Sununu to Veto the Latest Rail Boondoggle (603) 271-2121.

Written as a deliberate violation of the State Constitution SB241 wants to break the law to fund transportation infrastructure we don’t need that will forever suck resources from more pressing priorities. Those would be any other priority you can imagine.

Priorities? for Nashua? How’s that work?

CHASER: Walking Hazards: Funding an issue for city sidewalks in disrepair  As they age, many of the sidewalks around Nashua are falling into disrepair. While city officials are aware of the issue, the problem persists due to a lack of available funding…“The city is responsible for the sidewalks. We realize that there are a lot … Read more

So-Called ‘Free Money’ for Rail Study Yanked From New Hampshire Transportation Plan

In late April the NH Senate pulled a four million dollar rail study line-item out of the State’s ten-year transportation budget. The Senate passed the amended version, denying the choo-choo fetishists yet another expensive act of engineering voyeurism. The advocates for waste, fraud, and abuse were not happy.

Nashua Alderman Vote Unanimously to Spend Other People’s Money

A Rhode Island Company has convinced the city of Nashua to spend your money. According to NHPR’s incorrectly named article “Nashua Alderman Unanimously Approve Commuter Rail Memorandum,” The Tuesday night unanimous approval of the memorandum of understanding means the city can begin work immediately with the Rhode Island-based Boston Surface Railroad Co to create a detailed plan. I … Read more

Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

For-Profit Passenger Rail Plan Needs Public Money and Why Freight Rail is the Future

This morning Rich and I spent the segment talking about a so-called for-profit private passenger rail plan with a hitch. This private for-profit plans to tap millions of taxpayer dollars but can only get them if municipalities like Nashua sign up for the ride.

So Nashua Mayor Donchuss want to bring the TSA to his choo-choo plan (that the rest of us would have to pay for)?

Those proponents of bringing more railroad projects are lazy and greedy.  This is because they refuse to go the capitalist route and do it themselves privately.  Heck, that’s a TON of work they’ have to do and a VERY expensive proposition to boot.  They’re hypocrites at best – believing that this brand new fangled 19th … Read more

Commuter Rail Push In New Hampshire Ignores What Tourists Want and Need

Today, in a letter to the editor of New Hampshire Business Review, Peter J. Griffin, the NH Railroad Revitalization Association President, considers what at first appears to be a rhetorical question. “How will tourists get to New Hampshire?” How is this a problem? Mr. Griffin bemoans the loss of days past when public transportation (trains) … Read more

See “The Enemies Within” Tonight, in Nashua, NH

The 603 Alliance is hosting world-renowned author Trevor Loudon in Nashua for the New Hampshire Premier showing of the new film (based on his best-selling book) The Enemies Within. This will be a Hollywood-quality production. And it’s going to stick it right to the Communists and Marxists in Congress. It’s going to pull no punches and … Read more

Has Nashua Democrat Rep. Ken Gidge Found a Magic Money Tree?

Front page, Union Leader. The Nashua Delegation to the New Hampshire House don’t get no respect. Someone cut the money for yet another (other, other) rail study from the transportation budget and they are unhappy. As a preventative to future acts of injustice ‘Nashua’ is considering a hired gun. A paid lobbyist to…do what the Nashua … Read more

Did Nashua violate New Hampshire Election laws?

Last night was the city of Nashua’s local elections. Most winners were announced after votes were tallied except in one area, the school board. The school board was a bit of a contentious race because there were five seats and five candidates running but they weren’t union-backed candidates. The unions waged a write-in campaign. After … Read more

Scott Brown – lying on the campaign trail now, sir?

 A Merrimack business group rescinded its invitation for a one-on-one meeting with Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown after concluding that Brown ducked showing up at a forum with his GOP primary rivals. Merrimack Business Association President David McCray said it’s clear to him Brown’s campaign was untruthful that he couldn’t make a June 18 forum … Read more

Nashua New Hampshire Democrat Rep. Cindy Rosenwald – Domiciles Out Of State “Stray Cats” Who Then Vote From Her Home

Nashua New Hampshire Democrat Cindy Rosenwald is back in the spotlight.  If you recall, she’s the one who admitted that her party not only knew it had left an 800 million dollar hole in the budget, but they planned to cut spending to fix it.  Well, now we find out that she knew there were … Read more

Death To Rail (Bride Of RTA)

This is what we call the tits-on-a-bull defense. Chris wants rail. There is no good reason for it, he just wants it. And he could care less that we already have infrastructure that works, that is more adaptable, and which costs significantly less to operate.

And they think that Rail Service in NH would be profitable??

Bumped: Given that Tim’s post is saying that the NHRTA (NH Rail Transit Authority) should be ridden out of NH out on a rail (pun intended), I decided to highlight the cost of the Downeaster – the most popular rail in NH could not exist without huge taxpayer subsidies. Avg % Fare per Subsidy / … Read more


This editorial from today’s Union Leader on Commuter Rail caught my attention. PETER BURLING, head of the New Hampshire Rail Transit Authority (NHRTA), was in Manchester this week to promote his dream of building a commuter rail line from Concord to Boston. He suggested that operating commuter rail would cost taxpayers less than maintaining the … Read more

Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

The Real “Third Rail” For Commuter Rail

Any good liberal will tell you this. Never talk about how much something costs or who will have to pay for it until you have convinced them it will be good for them.

Ridin’ the rails. Clickety Clack…

“I’ve been workin’ on the railroad, All the live long day. I’ve been workin’ on the railroad, Just to pass the time away. Don’t you hear the whistle blowing? Rise up so early in the morn. Don’t you hear the captain shouting ‘Dinah, blow your horn?’” Quaint words from a bygone era, no doubt. Unfortunately, … Read more

Hands, money dollars counting

The Bloated Cost of Car Registration Renewal

I am interested in knowing more about some money trails related to the cost of renewing my New Hampshire vehicle registration. With the price of a stamp jacked up a few cents last month, I’d like to know the costs compared to the current online processing fee they push (should a local vehicle owner want to … Read more