Dr. Julianne Cooper returns to discuss ADHD and other coding of children, and we’ll discuss the drugs used to ‘dumb down’ our students.
The Honorable Jenn Coffey will visit to talk about stand your ground in NH, knife rights, up coming blade shows in Atlanta and more.
And Ann Marie Banfield from Cornerstone Policy Research will be in to talk about Education and Common Core, right here in New Hampshire.
All that and everything else, from the the definition of “Shaheening,” the Benghazi Time Line, and how Phone Record seizures combined with the frighteningly powerful IRS, has probably reinvigorated the TEA Party in time for 2014 and startled many in the media to the reality that they may be responsible for a five year long coverup of the most tyrannical presidency in US history. Or maybe we’ll talk about cats. What? It could happen.