[UPDATE: Welcome Weirs Times readers. Yep- it’s a blog. Yep– there’s a whole lotta free speech happenin’ here, along with continued advocating for honest and open government. Somebody’s gotta do it, afterall, since those that used to, don’t anymore… Now, LIGHTEN UP! Take the Sykes comment for what it’s meant: a retort to HER crudeness. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire…]
When you’re done reading the Sunday paper (which gets thinner by the week), check out these links:
From Monica Crowley at American Daily Review…
"The numbers are just impossible. A lesser nation would have collapsed already under the weight of this spending. Next up: higher taxes (a lot of them) and hyper-inflation (a form of another massive tax)."
Angry black woman, posing as some sort of comedienne, from Newsbusters…
"Dick Cheney, oh my God, he’s a scary man, scares me to death. I tell my kids, I says, "Look, if two cars pull up, and one has a stranger, and the other car has Dick Cheney, you get in the car with the stranger."
May she choke on a chicken bone. Or a watermelon rind. Whatever gets the job done.
Hmm. Wonder what they got on Michael Moore? From Canada Free Press…
"Fidel Castro is a genius!” gushed Jack Nicholson after a visit with the Cuban Fuhrer in 1998. “We spoke about everything,” the actor rhapsodized further. “Castro is a humanist like President Clinton. Cuba is simply a paradise!”
Jack Nicholson has been saying such things for years now. Many of his Hollywood cohorts follow suit. Francis Ford Coppola, Kevin Costner, Steven Spielberg, Woody Harrelson, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Leo DiCaprio, Chevy Chase and Robert Redford, among many others, have all waxed euphoric on Castro and his island prison.
While holding up the book ”Fidel: Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant” on his TV show, Bill O’Reilly called these celebs “Hollywood pinheads.”
But there might be more to these celebrity plugs for a tyrant who jailed more of his subjects than did Hitler or Stalin than the usual celebrity vacuity upstairs.
Heh! We have a jabberjaw here in town that goes to Cuba regularly (a status symbol among the "beautiful people", apparently), and sings the praises of the "island paradise." I wonder what they got on him?
Ed, please don’t give "Bariatric Bob" any more ideas. Writes Ed Mosca, on Senator Clegg’s defense of Democratic-like, nay "red"-like regulatory edicts (and by "red", I’m not talking about those map colors…):
"if the ends justify the means, which is what Clegg’s argument boils down to, why stop with health insurance mandates. Let’s tax red meat. Better yet let’s ban it. Think of the millions we’ll save by reducing coronary disease. And let’s ban smoking, while we are at it. But why stop there. Let’s outlaw automobiles. Think of all the injuries we won’t have to treat. Motorcycles too. But there is even more if we want to go down this path. Let’s outlaw sex except for procreative purposes. Think of all the money we’ll save by reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases."
To think, Clegg is one of those claiming to be among the group that will lead NH Republicans out of the wilderness.
Could this guy be the stupidest politician ever? Writes Jennifer Rubin in Commentary’s Contentions blog:
Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va), the congressman for Alexandria, Virginia, has not been without controversy. He has been forced from time to time to apologize for anti-Semitic comments and he is embroiled in the PMA Group scandal. Now he’s cheerfully welcoming the release of Guantanamo detainees into his district. Really.