The perfidy of the American MSM. “Many media outlets have described the United States as “losing the war” against the coronavirus because of the number of cases keeps going up.” Are we? Losing the war?
Related: “The public has not been impacted the way media and health officials have lead us to believe.”
Axios, for example created a chart show that if all coronavirus patients (confirmed cases) were a city, it would be the third-largest city in the country. The recent trend of the media to focus on the total number of cases seems to be a result of the recent spike cases that failed to produce a similar spike in deaths. So far, we’ve only just seen a small bump in fatalities, and there is evidence that data dumps of backlogged data could be inflating those numbers.
COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate (CFR) comparison of USA with European Union and Canada.
Again, why does the media pretend the USA is doing the worst in the world? 🤔
(Chart via
— Matt Margolis (@mattmargolis) July 16, 2020
…that is until you account for population or look at the ratio of deaths per confirmed cases. I’ve previously examined how the United States measures up on cases and deaths per capita, so we know why the media doesn’t report on that, but the media the media also doesn’t want to report about case fatality rate (CFR). And the following graphs will show you why.
…Well, look at that. The United States’ CFR (3.93 percent) is significantly lower than the European Union (10.36 percent) and Canada (8.1 percent).
(H/T: PJ Media)
UPDATE: Another post I had bookmarked has a similar treatment has this chart: